Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Sweet Little Lions!

Tonight was a pretty special night for one little lion...

She and all of her friends from church were the lions in the musical Daniel, Darius & DeLion tonight. And maybe I'm rather partial to this bunch and feel like they're almost my own because we've watched them grow up together, but I must say that they did a fabulous job! They started out bouncing down the aisles in a line to make their way to the stage...all the while they were doing motions and singing! I can barely walk and chew gum at the same time, so it took major concentration to pull off what they did! :) Once they took their places on the stage, they sang another song and did the sign language that went along with the words. I didn't realize how much they have learned over the last several months in choir on Wednesday nights. Obviously they've been working hard, and it definitely was a sweet thing to watch!

Gray, Towns, Hart and Emma let me snap a quick picture before they got lined up and ready to go...

Towns asked me all day long to tell her who all would be coming to see her in the musical. She named off everyone in the family and I tried to gently break it to her that it was a long drive for everyone to make during the week, but that we'd make sure she had an audience. Thank goodness for Bethany and her friends Madeline and Berek...otherwise I would have failed in the fan club organization department! We were sitting in the front row and she looked over every two seconds to make sure we were still there...and you couldn't have wiped the grin off of her face! She was beyond thrilled that Bebby and her friends came to watch!
After the program, I had to run down to the dance studio at church to teach a teen jazz class which is one that Towns loves to sit in on if given the chance. It doesn't happen often, but tonight I thought that she deserved to have some time with the big girls. When we walked in, my dance students made her night by how they made such a fuss over her...

That's Anna, Towns, Ella and Elle...and Towns thinks she's just as big as they are!
Ella's sister, Morgan, was supposed to be one of the lead roles in the musical. Ella told me that Morgan had been rehearsing for months. And knowing Morgan (I've taught her in dance as well), I know she would have nailed the part! She's the cutest thing and is so full of life. She would have been great on stage! But yesterday she got sick, leaving Ella to quickly learn her role. She did great, and I know Morgan would have been superb, too! Hope you're better soon, Morgan!!
Madeline made her way downstairs for a quick second before the jazz class, so I couldn't resist this one...

Towns most favorite fan club member by far?
See for yourself...

She sure does love her Bebby!
She was one sleepy little lion tonight...

She was out like a light the second she hit the couch!
Way to go, Townsy!

You know we love you, Miss Priss!


  1. I know you were one proud mama! Y'all are very blessed to have such a great church family. LOVE the picture of B, Wownsy & Country Girl.

  2. What a precious lion you have!! Looks like it was a GREAT program, we once popped in your church one Sunday when Bro. Buddy was there to listen to one of his great sermons! : ) I grew up with him as my pastor, he's one of my favorites!

  3. Towns was a cute little lion, she does come by it honest though! Have you shared your lion picture with her yet?! HAHA!!

  4. Oh my WORD...totally forgot about the lion picture from my senior year dance recital! Her costume was far from my metallic gold spandex get-up, though! HA!
