Thursday, June 17, 2010

A Hug and a Nerve Pill

Ever have one of those days? Today was mine. If something could possibly go wrong with work, it did. If one of my children was going to get hurt, it wasn't just one time that it was going to happen. It was three...a goose egg on the forehead and two busted lips. All on the same child. Our house looks like a hurricane came in the front door and went out the back door. Even my sweet Towns got a spanking today. Can't remember the last time she needed a spanking, if ever, but she's gotten a little sassy lately and I acted before I thought about what I was doing. It just wasn't pretty. Thank goodness for Bethany who tries to keep me sane during the day! Before the clock struck noon I was so frazzled that I didn't think I could go another step without completely losing it. Bethany's so good about stopping me in my tracks and saying "you just need a hug". But today it went more like this: "you just need a hug...and a nerve pill"! Ha!

I think the reason things were a little crazier than usual is because the girls and I have been out of town. We don't function well when we're out of our routine, and it's even harder trying to get back into it. We spent a few days with my dad before he leaves for Hawaii this weekend with his American Legion baseball team. Wish he'd pack us in his suitcase! When we pulled up to his house late Sunday afternoon this was waiting for us...

And it took all of 17 seconds for the girls to get their bathing suits on and go at it...

This was one of two times Cate went down...

She seems so tough, but deep down she's a bit of a chicken!
So she and I did a lot of this...

I refrained from practicing ballet moves while sunbathing, however.
I've figured her out. She doesn't really like the water very much. But she does love everything that comes with being around it...

The swim suits, the sunglasses, the lounge chairs...and most importantly seeing how many poses she can strike while sitting in them!
A friend of my dad's offered to let us spend a day by his pool and the children were ecstatic. (As if the water slide wasn't enough.) So we bought floaties and pool toys and off we went. When we got there, we found that we weren't the only people who thought we had dibs on the pool. There were several other people there, and when the girls realized we weren't staying to swim they turned on the water works like you wouldn't believe. My dad can only take .5 seconds of that, and ten minutes later we were at the local water park!
On the way in...

We had a big day, but that night it was time to pack up and get ready to head home early the next morning. The trip wouldn't be complete without stopping on our way out of town to see Mrs. Angie...

The girls stick to her like glue when she's around. Her husband coaches with my dad, and when we are at any of the baseball games she adopts them as her own. She knew we were coming so she had a bowl full of homemade brownie batter (she owns a restaurant that's been in her family for years and years) waiting on us...

One last picture with Pawpaw and it was time to hit the road...

But not before we made a pit stop at Sikes & Kohn for some big girl school shoes for Kindergarten...

That she learned to tie all by herself!! And she's let everyone know it, too!

We got home just in time for the VBS round-up at the park to celebrate a great week last week. Too bad the bottom fell out right after we got there! And in the middle of the monsoon as we were running to the car I lost the keys. We were all dripping wet from looking around outside trying to find them. They were under my seat in the car the whole time. Remember that nerve pill?! My entire family could have killed me after that one!
We did manage to get in a little bit of play time before we had to make a run for it...

Today was pretty special for Bebby and Towns. I let the two of them walk around the mall together (right after I scared Towns to death by teaching her how to look out for people trying to snatch her or her purse) and they had the best time. B says Towns needs to toughen up, though. Apparently she was complaining about her feet hurting from walking 5 minutes after they started shopping. She'll learn soon enough!

While they had their date, Cate and I went on our own shopping mission. J's got a birthday tomorrow and he deserves the most fun day a man could ask for!
All Cate was asking for, though, was a cookie cake...

You'll never guess which one she wanted...

You can't tell it from the picture, but it's the biggest one in the case with none other than a big ol' monkey on it.
How appropriate (see photo above)...

Happy weekend!!


  1. I bet you couldn't wipe the smile off your dad's face! Too sweet!

    My baby girl always knows just when to share one of those sweet hugs of hers! Or either she'll make you laugh when you're trying to discipline her siblings. She ever pulled that one on you? :)

    The boys and I ventured to Wally World the other day. When we went in the sun was shinning. When we came out it was POURING. I mean a frog strangler. I could've gone back in and bought an umbrella, but with one of me and three of them sometimes an umbrella just isn't worth the fight. I tied up all the bags and told them we were just going to have to get wet. We were all soaked by the time we got to the car! But it actually was a lot of fun running through the rain and stomping in the water puddles. :)

  2. I don't recall her ever trying to make me laugh when one of the girls is being disciplined, but she's a PRO at pulling the "coommmmeee heeerrrreee and tell me what Mommy did to you" after the fact! That gets 'em going because they love that attention. And it racks up major bonus points in the big sister department which is what she's aiming for I suppose! :) She's a mess!! A sweet mess, though!
