Sunday, June 27, 2010

Little Miss Big Time

It's been a while...
We've been on the go like you wouldn't believe, and my camera bit the dust when J dropped it on the pavement by accident. It happened on his birthday last weekend (which is a major post in itself), so I couldn't get upset at him. But seeing as how my camera is pretty much a permanent extension of my body, well, it's thrown me for a loop!

Our weekend has been full - full in a lot of ways.
Grandmommy and Pop came to visit which is always such a treat. Having them here is so easy. They are fun to be around and the girls love every minute of it because it means nothing short of play time, shopping, getting their nails done, and most importantly, quality time with two very special people! That also means that they are way too busy for pictures, and it usually ends up that I have very few after their visits. And when it comes time for them to go, I'm not sure who wants to cry more...them or me! They are diamonds in the rough, and it always does my heart good to be around them.

Two more reasons we've had a full weekend:
1. Ice Water Teas for D High Sorority Rush
2. Rehearsal for Bethany's cheer competition at Auburn
All in one day.
The heavens opened up and I heard angels singing.
All of the above have made my heart nearly explode with joy today because those are right up there on my list of favorite things on the face of the Earth.
We didn't have high school sororities in Andalusia, and back when I was at Auburn I always thought it was fabulous when my friend Jess (she grew up in Decatur) would tell us about it. Never in my wildest imagination did I think I'd be here now. But here we are, and Bethany is in heaven! Ever heard of living vicariously? Yep, that's me. And don't even think I didn't want to do a toe touch when I found out I had to accompany her to Ice Water Teas!! She couldn't have looked cuter, and she was on her A-game. She's so cut out for this! Rush lasts all summer...complete with lake parties, scavenger hunts, and more events than I can keep track of. Fun times ahead!
We hurried out of Rush so we could stop by the house for her to change for cheer practice, and when she came in the room with her uniform on for me to zip her up my heart did a double back flip. It's like it all hit me at once. All those early morning summer practices, the ordering of uniforms, etc. was all fine and good, but it wasn't until that very moment that I realized that she's big time! No more Oak Park uniforms...this is the real deal! She had D High plastered across her chest and I felt like she was a celebrity. Here, high school football is right up there with college football. And she's a part of it all. Officially! It was even more of a thrill to watch her perform their routine for competition this afternoon. They had a full crowd there to watch them practice. I literally had tears in my eyes and hesitated to tell B that because just as I knew she would, she laughed hysterically at me. I think I'm more over the moon about all she's got going on than she is...if that's possible!
She's all packed and ready to head to Auburn at 5:30 tomorrow morning because she's got a 10 a.m. date with Aubie for pictures. This will be her first real taste of freedom with being away from her family. And if she's anything like I hope she'll be, she'll want to stay in Auburn forever and never leave! Ha! I'll miss her little cheerleading, rushee self but I couldn't be happier for her or more proud!!
Believe me when I say that Rush and getting ready for cheer camp at Auburn has been enough excitement to last a year...can you tell?!

I was seriously missing my camera today, but I managed to get a few pictures...

B's in the center in this one, and I think her eyes are closed, but it's the best I could do...

One more she wanted to kill me over...

I dared not ask her to turn so I could get more of Decatur High in the background. She was mortified that people were seeing me take that one!

Have fun, do great, and enjoy every single second of being in God's country!
If I pop out of your suitcase when you get to your real live dorm room, don't be surprised...
Love you, Peach!!!!!
**April, I expect 834+ pictures after you go to home pom tomorrow night! :)


  1. I'm feeling your excitement, Tara! L-O-V-E some rush events:) Keep us posted on all the other summer happenings!

  2. okay, so I just have to comment. (I found your blog through Darby's- I PROMISE I am not a stalker/wierdo!) I just love how you are so excited for your "B"!!! I am a transplant to Decatur and do not understand the whole high school sorority thing, but darling, you snap away and take all the pictures you want!! One day, she will be glad that you did!!!

  3. I know I've told you this a million times over, but I hope that I'll be an awesome mommy like you someday. You're the best and the girls are SO stinking lucky to have. XOXO!
