Sunday, August 8, 2010

Back to School!

With this being the last official weekend of summer before it's back to school, practices, routines, schedules, places to be, people to see, etc. we were determined to make the most of it! And since Bethany is the ultimate social butterfly these days, she had plans that took up the better part of the weekend (which is something that's taking some getting used to!). Friday morning we had to get business taken care of before it was time to play, which included stopping by the high school to make sure B knew where all of her classes were. Forget the idea of taking a picture of her within one square mile of the high wasn't happening! Ha! I'm seeing that's more frequent lately. Prime example: I love school supply shopping more than life itself. It's always been such a huge deal and we make it a big event. But this year it was totally different. The other night B and I were making a late night Target run when she asked if we could go ahead and get her school supplies. Seriously? Just like that? No fanfare. No hoopla. No camera. And then she says "this is high school we're talking about"! I sucked it up and went along with it, but it was killing me!

B went with some friends to Bridge Street to celebrate a birthday Friday night and then spent the night away from home, and when that happens I have to kick it into overdrive to keep the younger ones happy. They're so used to their Bebby being right there with them all the time that it's become a hard pill to swallow when it comes to her being with her friends more. It's perfectly understandable and will happen more and more as she gets older, but the girls just don't comprehend it! :) So we threw on more matching pajamas and had a movie night...

We turned the living room into a movie theater, I made tickets for them to hand over to the ticket lady/concession worker, made popcorn, and we watched Beverly Hills Chihuahua. It was the first time they'd seen it, and it was a hit! Pretty cute movie!

Saturday I got some work out of the way while J took the girls to gymnastics. We all met back up at home for a poolside date...

I've been extremely thankful for that $30 plastic Walmart pool this summer. It's been a lifesaver! Once the girls got going, the bathing suits didn't last long. For some reason, my chickies would rather be in their birthday suits than their bathing suits (when we're at home, of course)! I'm not sure why I thought that a pool with a slide would provide sufficient entertainment. Haven't I been around long enough to know that it's things like this that they're way more interested in?

You should stop here if you don't like to see bare bottom babies...

When B looked at the pictures on my camera she had a heart attack. I jokingly told her they were jumping off the roof into the pool...and she believed me. Probably because it wouldn't surprise her! This is really what was going on...

J standing 10 feet from the pool and throwing them way up into the air to see how big of a splash they could make! Never a dull moment!! I won't tell you what he came up with next, but it involved a table with a chair on top (and a kid on top of the chair jumping off into the pool). I felt like I was at the circus. The girls were laughing and having the best time. Me...not so much.
I love J for a lot of reason, but one of my most favorite is how much he loves playing with the girls. He spent most of the day doing whatever their little hearts desired...

By mid-afternoon, Cate and I were the only ones left who could take the heat. But it took some magazine reading to distract us from how blasted hot it was...

We headed inside before too long because it was almost time for Bebby to go to her first JUG formal! She was all dressed up and looking as beautiful as ever...

She was busy texting and I was busy trying to figure out my new camera...

I was getting on her last nerve, but she's just so fun to take pictures of! :)

Sunday morning we headed to church and lunch, and then it was off to cheerleading practice for Towns (that's a post for a different day!). But when we got home we were being sneaky in the kitchen...

You can't start HIGH SCHOOL without a party!

We finished the cupcakes and paraded into B's room for a little surprise party...

Even though she knew what we were up to, she played right along...

This morning she was looking like a full-on 9th grader for her first day of high school...

It just doesn't seem possible! When I saw this card at Target the other day I did a double take...

And then put straight into my shopping cart!
Towns woke up just in time to give her Bebby a big hug before the JUG president picked her up to take her to her first day as a freshman at Decatur High School...

Go get 'em, B!
Hope your first day is fabulous!!
Now the next countdown is on...
9 more days until we're doing the exact same thing with a certain cute Kindergartner!


  1. Great pics! I would have a heart attack if I saw those babies being thrown into that baby pool! Sigh....

    What camera did you decide on?

  2. Oh my goodness, a 9th grader AND a kindergartener?! What in the world will you and Cate do all day with the other two girls in school all day?! I'm sure you'll come up with something;)

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