Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Monkey Business

Whenever I put these monkey PJ's on Cate Bug it seems like she really gets into character...

Who am I kidding?
If she wasn't this silly all the time I'd think there was something wrong with her...HA!
She's absolutely, positively, without a doubt the funniest kid I've ever known.
On a sentimental note...when Cate was born and we stayed at the hospital, I left Towns a present at home to open every night and those pajamas was one of her little treats. It's killing me that Cate's old enough now to wear them. She's not supposed to be that big yet!!


  1. She is absolutely gorgeous! I could just eat her up!

  2. so funny you wrote about the hand me down jammies. Mallary grabbed a pair out the other night and I was like No too big and she insisted...they fit and they were some of what I used to call gracie's big girl jammies...*SIGH*

  3. So cute! I need to see that funny little monkey!
