Monday, August 30, 2010

Can You Feel It?

Call me crazy, but I do believe I feel Fall in the air. I can feel that breeze (even through the heat) and that makes me one happy lady! Last Thursday morning Cate and I met my friends Ashley and Mary and their children at the park, and it was so nice that we made a 2nd trip that afternoon...

Cate's quite the mama these days. We travel with a baby entourage everywhere we go...

The park's fun and all, but my girls are easily swayed by sweets and when I told them we had brownies to make at home it was time to gather up the babies and hit the road...

B had a friend coming home from school with her which is why they thought brownies were a necessity in the first place. Complete with candles. Everything's a celebration...

Remember when I said that Cate's maternal instincts are in overdrive lately? I wasn't kidding. There are two little boys whose sisters take gymnastics with Towns, so they're always there when we're there. Cate has adopted them as her own for the hour long session, and takes pride in wiping their noses, giving them sippy cups, making sure they have toys to play with at all times, etc. She follows them around with her hand gently on their back as if she's guiding them where she thinks they need to go. It's really sweet, but sometimes Rowan and Evan don't like to play along. Case in point...

It totally and completely breaks her heart when they prefer their parents over her, bless her!

Yesterday on our way to gymnastics she said, "I'm a little bit worried about my boys not being at 'nastics today" and I assured her they'd be there. Thankfully they didn't make a liar out of me!

In other news, Cate starts Mother's Day Out tomorrow...finally! She's been waiting for what seems like all summer to get back to school with her friends. I have to admit I'm not too thrilled about it. Since Towns and Bethany have been in school every day, she's been my faithful sidekick. We went to meet her teachers this morning, and these two were oh so thrilled to see each other...

That's Ella...who Cate lovingly refers to as her "school sister"!
One day when they're graduating from high school I can't wait to pull these pictures out and tell them stories about what a mess they both were! :)


  1. I'm in love with this pre~fall weather!!! Ahhhh!!!

  2. I was thinking that very same thing earlier this week - that there's just a different feel to it outside, even with the heat, especially in the mornings and evenings. We're enjoying it!
