Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Friday Night Lights

Growing up in south Alabama and then moving to Decatur shortly after college was a culture shock. It felt like I was in a different country, and I didn't know how I was going to make it. It wasn't better and it wasn't worse, it was just different. I'm rather set in my ways and change isn't something I embrace. But with every passing year we're here in Decatur, I love it more and more. Now it feels like "home". It's where we spent our first year of marriage, it's where our little ones were born, it's where we've made great friends, and even though I never imagined going into it I'd feel this way, it's going to kill me if we ever have to move. That being said, Friday night when we were in the stands at the Decatur vs. Austin game, I felt like I've been a Decatur Red Raider all my life! Of course, my Andy Bulldogs still hold a special place in my heart. :) Since it was such a huge game, Bethany's 9th grade squad got to cheer at the game along with the other 2 squads. I've truly never seen anything like it. The only thing I've ever experienced that I can equate it to is college football. It was definitely a sight to behold! And oh my word, to be in Bethany's shoes...I'd give anything!!

The fun started Friday afternoon when our friend Emma went with us to Bethany's pep rally...

When we got to the gym, B and Madeline made the girls' day by making such a fuss over them...

This is when I'd love to have a zoom lens...

That chick is cute whether she looks like an ant in that picture or not! Ha!

Have I mentioned that it was a Jersey Shore themed pep rally? You can bet my husband was in his shades fist pumping like crazy just to embarrass a certain 9th grade cheerleader. She gave me "that look" and I mouthed to her that I'd get him under control.
All eyes on B - she was doing a little fist pumping of her own in an extension...

Time for the alma mater...

We stood in line for what seemed like hours to get our ticket to the game that night, and the place was so packed it was hard to find a seat. We squeezed in our spots just in time for the National Anthem...

The girls were so incredibly excited to be in their cheer uniforms. They were all smiles!

I swiped B's Beat Austin shirt for the game and fit right in with the other thousand people wearing one...

I love this one - GAME TIME...

And finally, it was time for some football...

I wish someone would have warned me about the cannon before the football team ran onto the field. I'm still wondering if my heart is in check after that!
After Friday night I know one thing is true...it's great to be a Decatur Red Raider!!!


  1. Ah Tara I love this post! We do love some d-high football too! We'll have to let the girls play at the next game. See you tomorrow!

  2. I love me some football! And at this moment I'm having flashbacks to a certian redhead doing cheers for us at OOC 2008! LOVE IT!

  3. Alright, TT! It's great to be a Red Raider!
