Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Meet the Raiders

Friday night was Meet the Raiders at the high school which is always something we look forward to. It gets football season kicked off in a very peppy sort of way...

See all those cheerleaders? Seems like hundreds of them and I love it!
B's on the freshman squad which is in red, the JV is in black, and varsity is down at the end in white.
Cute pictures from the night...

B and her number 1 fan...

Stunting is something the girls have been into since long before their big sister was a cheerleader. B is really good at it and they love playing cheerleading with her...

They ask to do it all day, every day. To ease my job of being a base during the day when B isn't here, I came up with this which seems to satisfy them...

Paint cans work wonders!

Is it just me, or does it seem like we're a little ready for football season to hurry up already?!

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