Wednesday, August 18, 2010

First Day of Kindergarten!

This is the last time I'll mention the word "kindergarten" for the rest of the school year, I promise. This is all mainly for me so I don't forget any of it, so I apologize for boring you to tears. I sort of hid the post about the day Towns went to meet her teacher so you wouldn't have to endure any more...ha!

This morning she hit the ground running and was ready before 7:00. School doesn't start until 8:30, and she doesn't play the waiting game very well! She said her goodbyes to Bebby, and not long after that we were ready to roll...

When we got to the church, it was a must that we get this picture...

Ahhh, memories...
This is the 4th year that she's had her picture taken in front of that sign on the 1st day of school!

We took lots of snapshots before going inside to her class for the first time...

She has to sign in every morning which makes her feel so big...

With her backpack in its spot, she was ready for school to begin...

I bought that little heart back during Valentine's season for the sole purpose of having it for when she started school. She thinks it's so neat that she's got a little piece of my heart there with her every day. :) Give her a week and she won't think it's so cool anymore I'm sure. But for now she loves it.
She was quite ready for us to hit the road. But Cate wasn't ready to leave her. After we walked out she looked back one more time...

Something must have clicked in her mind because she realized what was going on and didn't like it one bit! She ran back to the door and wanted to retrieve her sister...

Towns' classroom is just inside that door, and when I told her we had to leave her there for the morning she stood there trying to catch any kind of glimpse she possibly could...

Talk about breaking my heart! I didn't cry all morning long - I had to stay strong for Buggy! We met a few other moms at Panera Bread which helped her feelings...a strawberry smoothie and a chocolate chip cookie did the trick. And of course, we went straight to Target afterwards.

The hours between 8:30 and 12:30 seemed like years, and Cate and I were just as excited to finally see her as she was to see us...

She got a Tip Top today (they get their pick of a silly hat if they do something nice for someone)...

She got her Tip Top for helping Mrs. Lindsay by pushing in the chairs around the table without being asked. Sweetness!
Cate and I thought she deserved a little 1st day of kindergarten treat so Bug wrapped it up for her...

I wish you could hear the way Cate says the name of that movie. It's something like "Beberly Hills Cookawawa" and makes us laugh hysterically every time. Towns and I have asked her to say it approximately 743 times this afternoon and she's yet to figure out why we think it's funny!

With the 1st day under our belt, I think we'll survive from here on out. We'll find our new "normal" and go with it! So proud of you Townsy Wownsy...what a big girl you are!!!

1 comment:

  1. Way to go Wownsy!!!!! She looked beautiful on her first day of school!
