Monday, August 23, 2010

New 'Do

Sunday afternoon Cate and I had a date, and that's the day I realized that her hair needed some attention. We started out of the house in an attempt to end up at the mall, but she needed to practice her cheer poses first. In this picture, her hair is ok...

But when I was looking back at the pictures and saw this one...

I knew it was time to take action!
Bless her. Her hair is just like her...wild! :)
So after her bath that night, we had a serious conversation about how Mommy is the only person in the world who can put scissors of any kind to her hair. {She's the one who will give herself a haircut - it's only a matter of time.} After a trim and a blow dry she was loving life. She thinks we're twins with our short hair...

There's nothing in the world I love more than two clean babies in their pj's who smell like Johnson & Johnson's from head to toe...I could eat 'em up!

We've had a very eventful past few days that have been full of lots of fun and laughs...I've been reminded a lot lately that we're never promised tomorrow. We need to make the most out of every day, and that's just what we've been doing!
We've hit the park...

Stopped by The Corner Bakery for pretty, pretty cupcakes...

Where Cate found something she'll be needing next month...

We've patiently waited outside Sissy's gymnastics while enjoying the weather and doing cheer routines...
This is "hold, 2, 3, 4":

"high V, 6, 7, 8":

She's got it down!
We've played ice cream shop with Play Doh for what seems like hours...

We've spent a few afternoons at Point Mallard...

And perhaps our most favorite thing...

We've thoroughly enjoyed the new Decatur cheer uniforms and mini pom poms we just got in! All I know is that the Varsity rep for north AL is my hero. Now those two will get to be even more like their Bebby than before! Bring on football season because we're READY!!

1 comment:

  1. Cate's new do is AdOrAbLe!!! :)
    P.S. and to answer your question... No photography classes yet, a girl can only dream that she would have enough time in a day to do something fun like that! HA!
