Friday, August 20, 2010

For the Grandparents

For the simple fact that grandparents live just too darn far away and she wanted hers to see this...


  1. Oh. My. Goodness. That is so awesome! I've watched it about 20 times over and over. :) She's a natural. Way to go, Wownsy! I cannot wait to show this to the boys.

  2. That is truly unbelievable. We are NO where near even doing a kart-wheel at our house. That is great!!!!

  3. WAY TO GO Towns! that is Incredible!..she may have to get a class together for all her friends soon!

  4. Oh Towns!! Pop and I think this is the greatest video ever!! You did a wonderful job and we cannot wait to come and see you do this in person. We Love You!! Grandmommy and Pop
