Thursday, September 16, 2010

Cupcakes & Comedians

My mother would die if she knew I was doing this. But it's solely because I need you to tell me that by the end of the day our house isn't the only house in the continental United States that looks like this...

We start out really good every morning. We really do. But by the time the whistle blows, it looks like a tornado has hit us hard. I've started using the "if it's not picked up in the next two minutes it's all going in the garbage" tactic and that's working for now. And since my grandmother taught me well, nine times out of ten we get it all cleaned up by the time J gets home so he doesn't come home to an explosion of baby dolls, baby clothes, baby car seats, baby strollers, etc. This is a tell tale sign of a few things:
1. Our children have too much stuff.
2. They have a ball from sun up til sun down.
3. I'm thankful for being able to work at home which allows them to drag everything in creation from their room all in the name of fun.
They might be messy little things, but they can be sweet too. The other morning it was a bit chilly when we headed out the door to school, so Towns took off her jacket and let Cate have it...

But the sleeves were too long and Cate didn't want any part of it. She was in rare form that morning. And in every picture I took she made her eyes as big as she possibly could just because she knew it was making me crazy...

She's something else!

Moving right along...

Today was a cupcake kind of day. Towns wore cupcakes on her outfit to school which always means we've got to follow suit in the kitchen. Actually, the Davis twins are a year old now and since they haven't had their party yet we're going to celebrate with them tomorrow afternoon (the girls can't wait a second longer). Pink cupcakes made in a pink mixing bowl is naturally the only way to go...

Towns held her own with the hand mixer and concentrated so very hard on her job...

I couldn't put my hands on the bags we usually use for icing, so we made do with a Ziploc...

Worked like a charm!
We had to move the party outside to keep them from thinking about the warm strawberry cupcakes with butter cream icing that were calling their names (and mine too). We were entertained by a local comedian...

Cate found one of her birthday presents and hasn't let it out of her sight all day long. I'm pretty sure she's put fifty miles on those wheels since this morning...

She loves a baby and everything that goes along with it more than I can put into words. She prefers real babies to fake ones, though. And she honestly believes that she's getting a real baby (as in one I've given birth to) for her birthday. She's in for a big surprise when she opens her Bitty Baby and it's not a living, breathing miniature human. Hope she can learn to love Bitty...stuffing and all!
She was kind enough to let go of her new stroller long enough to give me a few pointers in ballet.
Arms above your head for fifth position...

Then open 'em up in a port de bras...

And there you have your ballet lesson for the day!
I'm headed to bunko with fun friends thanks to a husband who knows I need to socialize with people who are over 3 feet tall every once in a while. He's got them all with him at gymnastics, God love him! Practice those port de bras several times and we'll convene again soon. Cate says she's teaching ron de jambes and pirouettes next time. Google it. Ha!


  1. glad someone else's house looks like mine! HA! : )

  2. Oh no...I PROMISE your house isn't the only one...My almost 3-year-old can drag out the most stuff!

  3. Juvy better watch what she wishes for. Boy would that rock her world! Yours too - think of having yet another one to pick up after. :)

    You just HAD to mention those yummy strawberry cupcakes of yours, didn't you.

    All that talk of ballet positions, steps, exercises, etc., make me miss it. Although I don't think we'll be doing any of that around here.
