Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Sidewalk Chalk Circus

Last Wednesday afternoon was one in which Cate desperately needed a nap. That left Towns and me to entertain ourselves. Usually we'll play store, library, hospital, etc. but she said "I know just what we can do" as a little light bulb popped up over her head. She brought out the sidewalk chalk and I gladly joined her on the front walk. She loves to draw, and she can usually look at something and copy it. But when she told me she wanted to draw a circus and that I was in charge of the petting zoo...well, I wish I could have called for reinforcements. She asked me to draw a chicken and an elephant. They turned out like this...

Looks more like a freak show than anything. Oh well! It's a good thing she loves me despite my inability to draw livestock and circus animals. That's when I told her she was on her own and I couldn't wait to see what she could come up with. And then she gave me this look...

Seriously mom?
I love to watch her create, so I let her take it and run with it.
A pink pig...

Snow cones...

Blue-eyed, yellow roosters...

You might not be able to see it all but there's a ticket stand, a concession stand, an elephant blowing water out of his trunk, butterflies, and ice cream cones...

I think she was pleased with the finished product...

I love afternoons like that. No need for fancy toys. Just me, my chicky, and an hour full of decorating the sidewalk. Doesn't get much better than that!
What wasn't so much fun was this little monkey on the right waking up from her nap and seeing what we'd been doing as we were leaving for church that afternoon...

She's smiling in this picture, but that's all a show! Somehow she managed to dry her tears long enough for me to take that picture. I promised her a sidewalk chalk session pronto and she was perfectly fine with that, bless her!