Monday, September 27, 2010

Grandparents Day

Last Friday was a big day at our house - Cate's 3rd birthday and Grandparents Day! We had literally been doing a countdown for over two weeks and the day lived up to all of our expectations. There's so much to cover on the birthday front which might take me forever to recap, so I better get the grandparents taken care of first!

Let me preface this by saying this: Towns rarely ever spills the beans when it comes to secrets. Every day for the past couple of weeks I beg her to tell me what she did at school that day and she gives me nothing. I was ever so surprised when Grandparents Day rolled around and learned what all she's been keeping to herself. Obviously the kids were supposed to keep the plans to themselves as not to ruin the surprise. And a surprise, it was!
The whole gang on stage ready to begin their program...

Here's where the surprises started...

Towns picked up the American flag, asked everyone to "please stand", and then led us all in the Pledge. I was floored. She wasn't the least bit nervous about talking in front of a room full of adults. That was followed by the Pledge to the Christian Flag and the Pledge to the Bible - which is something they do every day at school.
Next was the poem about grandparents where they spelled out the word and had a cute little saying for each letter. Towns and Emma shared the letter D...

"D is for the delicious cookies you bake!"
Ok, so I'll be honest. By this point I was mush. Tears flowing freely. Things like this make me so thankful that she's in such a fantastic kindergarten program. I was so impressed that they'd learned so much in so little time, got on stage and pulled it off without a hitch, and that her teachers put so much thought into making it such a special day. Unbelievable!
They did a cute little poem next...

Then a song to the tune of "Take Me Out to the Ballgame" but instead it was about grandparents...

One last song about how much they love their grandparents...

After it was over, we all clapped until we couldn't clap any more. Have I mentioned that I was blown away?! I was.
The kindergartners served their grandparents lunch after the program...

Cue the tears again. Here comes the slide show to really sweet music...

We missed Grandmommy and Pop being there, but I knew Towns had them in mind when I saw this...

Towns showed everyone around her classroom, and then it was time for a few pictures with grandparents outside...

And of course this one because I just can't get enough pictures...

After all the fun, the spotlight shifted back to this little princess...

Because we had lots of celebrating left to do!

1 comment:

  1. Isn't it amazing how smart our little kiddos are?!?!? Love all the pics..just precious!
