Saturday, September 25, 2010

Hick Chicks

Thursday after Bethany got done with cheer practice we reached panic mode - she had to have a pair of overalls for the "pepper rally" as Cate calls it for the next day. They were going with a Hartselle Hicks theme, and B had to be as countrified as possible. We don't own the first pair of overalls. So we hit every spot we could think of between 4 and 5 o'clock desperately searching. B went into Wiley's - our last stop - and had no luck, but they told her to check out a store a few doors down. We went in for overalls and came out with these...

Honestly, could you say no to that?
I think not.
In high country fashion, we set out for the Japanese restaurant to kick off Cate's birthday celebration. Despite very little sleep the night before and no naps that day, I'd say we fared exceptionally well. Everyone very much enjoyed themselves, including the almost-birthday girl who sat straight up in her seat watching every move the chef made...

We never found overalls, but B managed to pull a cute Hartselle Hick outfit together like I knew she would...

And since I love it so much and have watched it umpteen times, I've got to share this video. It's B's squad doing a dance they learned just for this pep rally (she's near the center - and I apologize for the quality - it's a lot better on my camera than it is here)...

That song has been stuck in my head since Friday afternoon, but that's perfectly ok. I've been doing what moves I remember along with it and am sure to have burned a few calories! Ha!


  1. Love it! Love the boots and Cotton Eye Joe dance! I especially love your adorable family! Hope all is well.

  2. B and Mad were in the kitchen showing me the dance. :) It wasn't with the music but I could just see it all put together. Thanks for posting it.
