Thursday, September 23, 2010


Happy birthday to the most fabulous person I know! Computer troubles are plaguing us and blogging from my phone is rough, so this is nothing like I hoped it would be. But when we're back up and running I'll do it up right! We love you a million times all the birthday cakes and tutus in the world Cate-Cate!!


  1. Happy Birthday to Cate;
    Happy Birthday to Cate;
    Happy Birthday sweet Juvy;
    Happy Birthday to you!!!

    Mrs. April sends big hugs and love!

    Smitty, here's hoping this posts better than the text I tried to send, huh!?! Don't throw your back out tomorrow. You know you ARE 30 now. Heehee Kidding! Love all the pics of the birthday girl. Have a fab weekend.

  2. Happy Birthday Cate! Love all the pics~what a sassy thing she is! :)

  3. Happy Birthday Precious Cate! You are a little doll and I love your tu-tu!
