Friday, September 10, 2010

Mother Goose & a Field Trip

Mother Goose was on the loose at school, and these cute kindergartners went on a search to find her...

They spent a couple of weeks learning nursery rhymes and finding clues Mother Goose left around the church as they went looking for her every day. Finally, last Friday they found her! Mother Goose herself came to visit their class and you couldn't have contained all the excitement if you tried! The kids got to pick a nursery rhyme and come dressed like it on Friday. We started with Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star and that required lots of shiny gold fabric and sequins. After we bought everything to make it with, I remembered there was a Little Bo Peep costume in our dress up trunk. Lovely! But that wouldn't work because one of Towns' friends was going as Little Bo Peep and she wanted to be something different. That's when it hit me. I went to the girls' play kitchen, pulled out an apron and chef's hat, and voila...

Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake baker's know the rest!
It was quick, easy, and didn't require my sewing machine!

Towns' class (minus Conner)...

Can you guess who everyone is?
Hickory Dickory Dock, 3 Blind Mice, the baker, Jack Be Nimble, and Little Boy Blue!
Mrs. Lindsay's class with Mrs. Pace's class doing a silly picture...

Most of them didn't know quite what to do!

Towns also went on her first field trip last week. They went to the library where they got library cards and got to check out their first book. Ohhhh, the excitement!
I'm pretty sure these kids feel like celebrities. Everywhere they turn there are cameras in their faces! I mean, is it ridiculous that we started snapping pictures the minute the buses pulled into the parking lot? I think that's a yes...

Getting off the bus...

Not even an hour had passed since we dropped Towns off at school, but you'd think Cate hadn't seen her in years...

The whole class! All 6 of them...

Cate hopped right in line with the rest of the kids and did "hips and lips" like it was her job...

After this, the class mothers voted her in as official kindergarten mascot.
Listening to the librarian read a spiced up version of The Three Little Pigs...

Next up - a tour of the children's section...

They had time to explore and find a book to check out...

Found one! Time to hand over the library card...

She's over the moon about having a library card. Apparently, it's the 5 year old's version of a driver's license!
Both classes lined up and ready to head back to school with their new books...

We can check this one off our list. The first field trip was a success!
Towns is counting down the days 'til the next class outing in a few weeks to the pumpkin patch.
Boy, do we love a pumpkin patch!


  1. What a cute preschool idea! Love it!!! Can't wait to see pumpkin patch pics~hope it feels more like fall when yall go! : )

  2. Fun fun! All of it! I think Juvy makes the perfect mascot. That girl cracks me up. I love the picture of her and Towns from the back (the one with Cate's hand on Towns).

    A class of SIX?!? There were 19 students in B's Kindergarten class, 24 in Grant's. Thankfully they had wonderful teachers and learned so much. I can't imagine the potential, though, if they had the one-on-one Towns is sure to get. What a sweet class.
