Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Just a Swingin'

Sunday after church we enjoyed the fabulous weather on the porch for the longest time. It was a little cooler than it has been, which was so very nice. We cannot wait for those cooler temperatures to be a permanent fixture around here!

They're great entertainment...

But I'm not quite to the point of renting them out yet! Ha!

Last night Decatur's 9th grade football team put a hurting on Sparkman. And that might just be thanks to really cute cheerleaders who happen to be pretty good at what they do...

Too bad I couldn't Photoshop that big hand rail out of all of those!
Hand rail or no hand rail...you're the b-e-s-t, best Bebs!

1 comment:

  1. Oh I definitely think it was the cheerleaders! ;)

    The close-up of Juvy looking at Wownsy - that is a precious picture!
