Sunday, December 19, 2010

Cookies & the Flu

They don't make for a good combination! Friday morning Cate's friend Brock invited the kids in their class over to decorate gingerbread cookies and have lunch. With siblings included, there were nine little ones which somewhat resembled a zoo! My friend Amanda is a brave woman to open her brand new, beautiful home to all of us. She's obviously a very laid back woman! It started out really well, and ended with us leaving because Towns wasn't feeling too great. She definitely wasn't acting like herself, but in the past 48 hours she'd eaten her weight (plus some) in icing, cookies, cake, etc. and we had rarely stopped to do much other than sleep at night. I honestly thought she was worn down from being on the go and feeling rotten because of all the sugar she'd consumed. Little did we know, she was coming down with the flu like everyone else in Decatur.
The kids all had a good time, regardless...
Braxton, Parker and Riley...
You can look at Towns' little eyes and tell she's not 100%, but she was trying her best to hang with the rest of 'em...
Sweet Madelyn...
Before we left, we tried to get a group shot. Riley wasn't into it at all.
He's going...
And gone...
Oh well...this was literally the best we could do!
The girls were none too thrilled that we had to duck out early because of Little Miss Sicky. I had to get their minds off of going to our boring old house somehow. It's rather early during Christmas break to be bringing out the big guns, but you've gotta do what you've gotta do.
Christmas pedicures!

Not too long after that, Towns really went downhill. Fast. Shame on me for taking pictures of my sick baby, but...She's been parked on the couch wrapped up in blankets since Friday. Meanwhile, Cate has been a permanent fixture on the floor in front of Towns because she won't dare leave her side...
The bad news is that Cate's getting it. The good news is that daddy has given them lots of TLC and that makes everything better...Hoping and praying we didn't share our sickness with the rest of the folks at the cookie decorating party. And that we're not spending Christmas on the couch. It's no fun being sick during the holidays! But oddly enough, it's been rather nice to be confined to our house and to let everything go for a few days...


  1. I cannot imagine 9 children in my house all decorating cookies. Oh the anxiety!

    I hope y'all are feeling much better real soon! B is better and so far so good with the boys. Let's hope it stays that way.
