Friday, December 17, 2010

Christmas Dance Party

Most days that title would refer to us locking the doors, cranking up Mariah Carey's oldie but goodie of a Christmas album and dancing ourselves silly. But this time it's a little different. Towns and Cate both had Christmas performances and parties on Tuesday to round out the first half of their year at dance class. Cate's in a 45 minute creative movement class for 3 and 4 year olds in our church's School of Fine Arts. Truth be told, she's probably a little bit young for it. But we just couldn't wait a second longer to enroll her in something, bless her little heart. J was out of town all day, and thankfully Bethany was done with exams in time to go with me to watch Cate.
They started by doing a few dances on stage after Mrs. Amy introduced them...
I took several videos of the dances they did, and in most of them B and I can't control our laughter. Too funny and way too cute!
They did lots more dancing on the big floor which is usually what gets them going. Wide open space equals happy, but wild children. I know this because I've taught this class before!
The little girl beside Buggy in this picture makes me laugh...
Aside from rolling around on the floor several times and announcing from the stage that she needed to "go to da bashroom" she did really well!
These chickies have really become two peas in a pod lately...
My Bugalicious and me...

That afternoon we ventured out to watch Towns' dance classes (she also takes at our church, but her classes meet in the annex - a make shift studio). She takes a 45 minute tap/jazz combo class and an hour long ballet class. I had to take Cate with me which was a bit of a challenge because she can't sit still that long. Most of the time she was trying to do everything Towns' class did and there wasn't much I could do to stop her. We're very fortunate to have a God send for a teacher who didn't mind having an understudy for a couple of hours. Mrs. Valerie starts class every week with scripture. She shows the girls verses in the Bible that relate to dance, and they begin and end every class with prayer. She is one of the most kind, gentle, sweet spirited people I've ever met in my life. It shows in her words, actions, and her way of teaching. I never want our conversations to end. And the woman can dance, let me tell you!
Towns with Sasha, Mrs. Valerie and Anna Bekah...
I love watching her teach class, and as a dance teacher I learned so much from her in those short two hours.
I left that night knowing that my girl is in good hands. She's learned a ton so far this year and I was so proud of her! Speaking of dance...
We took in a Radio City Christmas show yesterday. It was so much fun to watch, and it's a good thing our seats weren't blocking anyone's view because the girls were in the aisle imitating (to the best of their ability) the Rockettes the entire time. I have a feeling there's a new answer to that infamous "what do you want to be when you grow up?" question. Rockettes. Hands down.
Eight days until Christmas...are you ready?
We are!!!

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