Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Make a Joyful Noise

There's just something about hearing the precious little voices of a stage full of 4 and 5 year olds singing their hearts out in worship and praise. Towns was beyond ecstatic to be a part of it last Sunday morning during both of our morning worship services. This is something she'd been anticipating for quite a while. She absolutely loves her missions and choir classes at church on Wednesday nights, and they've been practicing so hard on their songs. She'd been singing us bits and pieces of the songs, but mainly wanted them to be a surprise. That was probably for the best. I made up my own words to the small parts I did know and I was so afraid she was going to sing my version on stage. For example, "hurry, hurry, hurry to Bethlehem, leave your sheep and run" turned into "grab your sheep and run." That didn't really make sense, but in my mind that's the way it went. Seems like we spent hours practicing to make sure I hadn't led her astray (no pun intended), and thankfully she sang it correctly!

I was concentrating so hard on the singing that I came home with only one picture...
We were all so proud of those sweet angels!

After church I happened to catch Cate UNdecorating the Christmas tree in the kitchen and using the ornaments as bowling balls. Of course, when she saw me she immediately flashed this grin to get my mind off of it...
Works every time!
Mirabelle is still hanging around our house. Towns got the notion to leave her a snack and a note under the tree the other night...
I told her that Mirabelle was most definitely appreciative that the snack she chose was Reese's peanut butter tree. I also encouraged her to leave one every night. Ha!
Please take note of the Care Bears bag under the tree. The girls have gotten so into the spirit of giving that they spend most days making home made gifts, wrapping them themselves, and sticking them under one of the 3 trees in the house. I barely have any tape or wrapping paper left. And every random gift bag we have has been filled. But it makes them happy, therefore it makes me happy!

A few weeks ago I asked J what he thought about taking all the girls to see the Radio City Rockettes. B's never been, and seeing that the younger two prefer tap shoes to any other kind of shoe I had a feeling it would be a big hit. We're making a flying trip to Nashville tomorrow to take in a show, and I absolutely cannot wait. I've always said that if I wasn't so vertically challenged I would certainly have tried my luck at it. Something tells me that after tomorrow I might not be the only one dreaming of being on that stage...

1 comment:

  1. I love the sound of children singing about Jesus. The first picture of Juvy is so very great!
