Monday, December 13, 2010

Princess Tea Party

This one is a couple of months late...but late or not, a princess tea party with high fashion deserves to be blogged about! Towns' friend Allie (they cheer together) invited the girls to her tea party and when they learned they could wear their fanciest get-up they were all in. Can't blame them. Who wouldn't be all over that?! The girls got all dolled up when we arrived. Finger nail polish, make up, crowns, jewels, gloves...the whole nine yards. They also got lessons in how to walk, talk, dine and act like a princess. It was the cutest little party and I couldn't leave without telling Allie's mom that she needs to go in to party planning.
They waited ever so patiently for make up...
When they finally had their turn I had to snap a quick picture of them with the birthday girl...
They didn't want to be held up for too long, though. They were on their way outside for a little London Bridge and Ring Around the Rosies...
They could have used a lesson in how to do the "we all fall down" part in princess dresses without flashing their audience...
There was a photographer there who got all the girls to do cutesy little things that made for good pictures. I was right up under her the entire party as to not miss one of her shots...
Silly little loves...
After all the fun and games, we moved the party back inside for tea and cake...
It was hysterical seeing all the princess trying their best to use their manners while they ate!
We may be a little rough around the edges still, but I call 'em princesses anyway...
Before Towns got in the car to leave she asked if I'd take a picture of her posing like a princess. That led to 47 pictures...
Sure she's usually the quiet, mild-mannered one of the bunch. But she has the best sense of humor and is the funniest little thing. Lately she's been telling me she doesn't like her smile because she thinks it's crooked. Crooked or not, it's perfect to me..


  1. Now, bless her heart! That child doesn't have a crooked smile! Poor thing. I've thought my nose was big since that age, so she will never change her mind.

  2. Towns is just too much! That second to last picture of her is so awesome :)
