Friday, December 10, 2010

Play Date

Even though we've been making it a point to slow down and enjoy the season more this year than in years passed, it still feels like we run a lot. So yesterday I vowed to be a big kid and do whatever the girls wanted to do. There's nothing better for a Mama's soul! Towns' friend Emma joined us. We sat in the floor for a picnic lunch and watched Olivia...
We baked cookies and ate those cookies and Ring Pops until we couldn't see straight - all while crafting up a storm...
We played hide-n-seek, dentist office, and "booty shop". And when we were through with that, we went outside and rode bikes and Barbie Jeeps until the batteries were as dead as a door nail. Sometimes it's just plain fun being a kid!

Speaking of kids, mine sure thought Mirabelle was a silly little elf this morning...
Mirabelle's note said she needed big time help. She just couldn't figure out how to wear the girls' accessories! She had bracelets on her ankles and a hair bow on her nose...
Despite her short comings, she's still got a smile on her face. Oh, that Mirabelle...

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