Wednesday, December 1, 2010

'Twas the Night Before Thanksgiving

Since it's December 1st it would be nice if I'd get on the ball and wrap up Thanksgiving, now wouldn't it?! Here we go...

Before I dive into Towns' Thanksgiving kindergarten play, I have to touch on Cate and her Thanksgiving feast at school. Obviously she doesn't do quite as much at school as her sister right now, but I can't leave her out! We signed up to bring cookies to her feast. I let her take charge which meant licking half of the cookies before she put them on the baking sheet. We kept those at home and sent the germ free cookies to school! She was meticulous about lining them up...
I didn't have the heart to tell her I'd have to mess up her hard work and spread them out. Before they were fully cooked we took them out to put sprinkles on them. They seem to stick better that way, and then you can finish baking them. Cate ate a few and poured out fifty times that many in an attempt to get them on the cookies...
Her feast and Towns' play were back to back, so I made it in time to catch Cate's class eating their Thanksgiving feast...
The orange place mat had her picture on it, and around it her teacher had written what Cate said she was thankful. She's thankful for her Mommy, Daddy, Bethany and Towns. Naturally. But she didn't leave out Towns' friend Emma either. :)
Brock and Cate are quite the pair...After sneaking a few Chick Fil A nuggets from Cate's feast, I flew upstairs to meet J for Towns' play. The name of the play was "'Twas the Night Before Thanksgiving" and started out with students leaving for a field trip to Farmer McNugget's farm...
Once they were at the farm, they made friends with a few turkeys...
The kids couldn't bear the thought of the turkeys being eaten for Thanksgiving, so they stuffed them under their shirts and snuck them off the farm...
They ended the play all on stage by saying:
"So each one give thanks for loving and for living, and we hope that you all have a happy Thanksgiving". I don't think I'll ever forget those words because it took us so long to memorize them! By that point in the play I was a puddle. I was snapping pictures while J was videoing. And thankfully they did the play twice just in case we missed something the first time!
I couldn't pass up the opportunity for a few pictures when the play was over. After all, Towns' kindergarten year is almost halfway over and I'm already a wreck about it.
Towns and Briar, her turkey partner...
Briar totally stole the show and was hysterical. He's a cutie, too. Every morning when we walk Towns to the door of her room he'll get out of his chair to come to Cate and say "good morning you little Cate Bug" - and I do mean every morning. Thank goodness he gives Towns a "hey Townsy Wownsy" as he's passing her to get to Cate or else I think she'd get her feelings hurt. It must be the red headed connection that he and Buggy share that gets him going. :)
Emma, Sydney and Towns...
Towns was so happy her daddy was there...
Conner was the farmer in the play. I love that boy because he's like the big brother Towns never had. She and Emma are the only girls in their class and Conner has taken it upon himself to make sure they're very much taken care of. He's so protective of them. I have a picture of the three of them from every school function so far...
Towns meant we weren't leaving without a picture of her and Mrs. Lindsay who is the best teacher anyone could ask for...
The morning wouldn't have been complete without a little cutting up...
Emma's the turkey and Towns has the ax!
This one needs no explanation...
Blondie did great on stage, spoke very loud and clear, and didn't look like she was a bit nervous (even though I knew by the smile on her face she was very much just that!). SO proud of you, Wownsy!

This next round of pictures will officially wrap up Thanksgiving...

In Towns' class, they read a story about a turkey disguising himself as to not be eaten for Thanksgiving. Mrs. Lindsay sent home a Perky Turkey for us to disguise that started out looking like this...
Towns decided she wanted to dress her turkey up like Santa, so we pulled out our craft box and I let her go at it. She did every last bit of it by herself...
And voila...
The finished product!

I can't bring this one to a close without putting this here so I won't forget it...
Cate just poured out her snack bag of Froot Loops. As I was cleaning up her mess I reminded her that she needed to be sweet because Santa Claus is watching her. She said, "I'm pretty sure he's not here." By the look on my face she knew she shouldn't have said it. So she threw her arms around my neck and said "I just love you so good."
She going to make a fine teenager one day...


  1. Can you say "hands full"? That is going to be you in about 10 years!

  2. I'm so impressed with Wownsy's Santa. Good job!

    "I'm pretty sure he's not here," and "I just love you so good" hahahahaha - boy can I just hear her saying both of those. She's like Reid - and they have us exactly where they want us, don't they!?! ;)
