Thursday, December 2, 2010

Babies R Us

Pick a baby, any baby...
You need it? We've got it!
Blue eyes, green eyes, brown eyes, gouged out eyes, blond hair, red hair, no hair, talkers, criers, tattooed (one guess as to who the culprit is), etc. They're all very well educated. They're lined up like that and taught lessons every single day. And each one is special in her own way which is why none of them will make the annual trip to the Salvation Army to clean out before Christmas. If you've got little girls you know what I'm talking about. But I'm willing to bet you've never ridden around with one buckled in a car seat after you've pinky promised to take good care of Bitty Baby while your little one is at school...
{I've got to teach Cate to lower the shoulder straps. Bitty's not very safe like that.}
That's me every Monday, Wednesday and Friday while Buggy's at school. The things we do for our children...


  1. I am right there with you girl!!! Maybe we should get our bitty babies to play while the girls are at school--ha! I bet we have 42 dolls and that is all Virginia is asking for from Santa.

  2. So funny and so familiar! We have most of the babies pictured :)

  3. Aww, I miss the baby doll days! :)
