Friday, January 21, 2011

Growing Up

Today was a big first at our house...
Do you know what that is? It's the bag I packed for Towns to go spend the night away from home tonight. Pass the tissue, please. Is she really old enough for this? Surely not. She's growing up so fast, and it's killing me. I was somewhat mentally prepared for tonight because I agreed to it last week. But obviously I didn't run it by Bethany before I told Emma's mom yes. She thought Towns was just gone for an afternoon play date. When she asked what time her sister would be home and I told her not until in the morning she almost started crying. As in tears in her pretty brown eyes. God love her. From now on I'll include Bebby in all of the decision making when it comes to Towns and her outings. Cate didn't take it too well, either. She knows when I pick her up at 12:30 that Towns should be picked up immediately after that. When it didn't happen today, I had to really make up for it. I think her little heart was broken! So what else was there to do but take her out for ice cream? That did the trick. And took her mind off of missing her sister for oh, maybe 30 minutes. By 1:15 she was asking me to get Towns from Emma's and bring her home. Regardless, she makes a pretty fun afternoon date...
She was really hamming it up today...
There's not a day that goes by that I don't think to myself, "she's got to be the funniest person I know." She just makes everything better.

For the record, it's 7:05 and I'm ready for my baby to be home. Tomorrow morning can't come soon enough! I know she's having a ball, but...


  1. It is hard the first time! Mary Reese's first spend the night away from home was with Jack Waller. I might be paying for that one day! Hope y'all survived the night without her.

  2. I'm just so proud she did it. I always faked an illness so I could come home. My parents knew not to go to bed bc the phone would be ringing by 10 pm. Good job Towns!
