Thursday, January 27, 2011


This week has kicked my rear. It seems like no matter how hard I try or what I do, I'm spinning my wheels and getting nowhere. Nowhere in the way of working or crossing things off of my to-do list, that is. However, we've logged lots of hours reading, writing, playing, having makeovers, and everything else that falls under the "girly" category. Lately it seems like nothing else is more important to me than that. I absolutely love the age the girls are at. Of course, we definitely have our not-so-pretty moments, but I know as soon as I blink they'll be grown. And I simply can't stand the thought of missing out on something with them. Therefore I have a mountain of emails and Etsy conversations that I've yet to get to. My sincerest apologies if yours is one of them. I'll be back to reality soon enough!

Last Saturday J and I went to dinner with some friends, and before we left B ever so kindly gave Towns and Cate teenager makeovers. I say "teenager" because that's what they looked like when she was done with them! B's thing is hair and make up. She's so incredibly good at it. I didn't tell her this, but if it weren't for the lack of time I wanted to ask her to make me over before we left. The girls were beyond excited about being dolled up and somewhat looking like their big sister. I love that they both put their cell phones in their back pocket just like B does...
That totally completed their look. And the next morning when we went to church the make up was rather hard to remove, so I just let it go...They've got major eye liner going on!
Bebs has always been so sweet about going along with her sisters' wild ideas. Last week B was trying on some dresses for formal which sparked Towns to want to put on a fashion show. She and Cate picked out their own outfits and they hit the runway...
That's how you shake your little tush on the catwalk...

Blondie is loving her new found ability to pick up a book and read it, so the other night before bed I told her to grab a few of her top picks to try out. Towns isn't the only one enjoying it, though. Cate loves that her sister can read to her now...
We found this one at the book fair last year, and it's remained on our list of favorites...
It's the cutest book. Very clever.
Buggy doesn't want to be left out in the learning department and is really fascinated with being able to write. Since we spend at least four hours at gymnastics and cheer every week, I decided that that could be time well spent teaching her to write her letters. This morning she was busy with a Sharpie (against my better judgment) and a Post-It. And this is what she showed me when she was done...
Maybe it's not going in one ear and out the other after all!

Yesterday we took B to an orthodontist appointment where the girls paid close attention to everything that was going on around them. This is what my kitchen looked like afterwards...
Towns has proclaimed she wants to be a dentist when she grows up. It's official.
Dr. Cate had to have a turn, too. This is right before she said, "soooo, what's going on with Miss Catherine today?"...
I told her that as Catherine's very observant mother, I was worried about her teeth falling out from eating too much candy. She got to work on Catherine's cavities while I watched and waited...

One more because it's funny...
Yesterday she put P90 Sculpt in her portable DVD player all on her own, got some 2 lb. weights, and was going to town. If she starts saying "watcha got" like Tony does when I want to punch him in the face, I'll be worried.

That's all I've got for now. This morning on our way out I told the girls it's actually supposed to be sunny and almost 60 tomorrow. What? Could it really be?!
That brought out the smiles, for sure! I'm not sure who's more excited...them or me.
I'm ready to give winter a swift kick!!


  1. Juvy doing P90 cracks me up. We're ready to give the cold a swift kick too. I don't know that we've ever been more ready for warmer weather. I know this weekend will just be a tease but we'll take it!

  2. Dr. Cate's face lights up my life. And you need to lock Towns up now, she's a mini-teenager already! And I want Bethany's dress, too cute! Love them all!
