Thursday, February 10, 2011


Well, well, well...another snow day today. It's got me wondering if we'll ever be back in a routine and on a normal schedule. I'm trying to come up with something positive to say about all the snow and cold weather we've been blasted with this winter. The one thing that comes to mind is that it makes me ever so thankful for spring and summer. That's all I've got. Since no one actually went to school today, we'll just talk about it. But not just any old school day...the 100th day of kindergarten! Being 100 days smarter is pretty monumental from a 5 year old's perspective. :)

Actually, the 100th day should have already come and gone. But thanks to all the crazy weather we've had since the first of the year, it was pushed back. Tuesday was the big day and had been much anticipated, that's for sure. Last week Mrs. Lindsay sent home a neat project to do that was all about the number 100. Towns was overly excited to have homework for the first time and didn't waste any time getting it done...
Apparently I have too much time on my hands (do you sense the sarcasm?). That always leads to me coming up with lots of extras that aren't exactly necessary but that I absolutely love to do...
Like t-shirts with big 100's on them for all the kids in both kindergarten classes. Actually, it was Towns' idea and I couldn't say no. She only has a 100th day of kindergarten once, you know? We had to do it up right. Therefore we were up late making cupcakes with 100's on them the night of the 99th day of school!

We had the outfit planned well in advance. It was ironed and laid out Monday afternoon. Jeggings and red boots were definitely on the agenda...
B always puts us all to shame with her cute attire, though!

We got to school to find that we weren't the only ones feeling the red boots...

One of the assignments was to count out 100 small things to bring to school. We racked our brains to come up with something cool and creative that would fit Towns' personality. Then it hit me...
100 birthday candles! The girl loves to bake and put on a party like it's her job, so it was perfect.
When we walked in, we found super fun decor awaiting our arrival...
Mrs. Lindsay is such a precious teacher, and Towns absolutely adores her...
They had a day full of 100 fun things to do, and I happened to catch a group shot while they were in the gym popping 100 balloons...
It's hard to believe I've walked my baby into her kindergarten class 100 times. Didn't school just start?! For the love, would somebody please hit pause? I can't take it...

We've got a big weekend coming up...Bethany's first winter formal and J's first motocross race since he acquired a titanium plate in his wrist (courtesy of last time he tried to race). Here's hoping I have only good things to report come Monday! Pray for his safety and my nerves, won't you?


  1. hope this weekend is safe and fun!! : ) still haven't mailed the shirts, uggh, going to the post office here is a nightmare, maybe today???!

  2. The kids here always have a big time celebrating the 100th day of school. I love the 100 candles idea. Perfect for Wownsy! See you tomorrow!! :)
