Monday, February 14, 2011


I think Valentine's is the cheesiest of all the days on the calendar. But when you've got kids, you get a free pass for cheesy, overboard fun. When Towns got up this morning she asked why the kitchen wasn't decorated. I'll remember that for next year. I might not have thought to bring out the streamers and balloons, but the treats runneth over...
It wouldn't be a party without Towns spilling her glass of milk all over Bethany (who was dressed and about 2 minutes from needing to walk out the door). After a quick wardrobe change she was even cuter than before, if that's even possible! We sent Bebs out the door with Valentine's cupcakes for one of her classes, and then gathered Valentine's treats for the girls' classes...
Thanks for the great idea, Rhonda! You're always looking out for me in the owl department!!

Before we left, Towns reminded me that she had a present that she'd made over a month ago for this very day...
She doesn't get her planning ahead from yours truly, that's for sure. She made that necklace out of card stock and I still haven't figured out exactly how she did it. She said it would be sweet if I wore it all day long. :)

On the way out, the girls each checked to make sure the other one had everything they needed...
I love how they look out for each other...when they're not pulling each other's hair out. Ha!

Hope you all have a happy heart day! Don't forget to hug the neck of someone you love...

I've got a date with a sweet kindergartner at her Valentine's ice skating party in just a few...where I'll proudly sport my card stock heart necklace! And tonight I've got a date with a certain guy who came home from his motocross race with a 1st place trophy. He didn't break a single bone while earning that trophy, might I add. I consider that major success (and a major answer to prayer)! Happy Monday, friends!


  1. OH good grief! Those hugs on the front porch are adorable! Happy Heart Day, friend! Love you!

  2. That last picture is oh so great! The boys loved their valentines. Thanks again for Saturday. As always you outdid yourself. I truly appreciate everything!! Happy Heart Day!
