Wednesday, February 23, 2011

All Is Well

I'm happy to report this morning that Cate's traumatizing finger accident bestowed upon her by your truly didn't keep her down for long. After some good lovin' for a couple of hours, she had her shades on, a lap full of babies, and she was ready to rock and roll...
She still can't bend them very much, but she's carried on like nothing ever happened.
Until this morning...
That's when she started milking it. She didn't want to take her 'pack-pack' because it would be too much to carry with her hurt fingers. So she insisted on carrying only her lunch box with the strap so that she could put it on her shoulder and not have to use her hand. And if she reminded me once, she reminded me fifty-six times to tell her teachers that hand sanitizer would burn her fingers really bad. I assured her I wouldn't forget and then reminded her what a mess she is!

Blondie was in rare form this morning, too...
The world is a stage and she does not discriminate against where she performs...


  1. T- I sent an email today to a few girls but yours bounced back cause I think I have the wrong address. Hope you get it this way....

    March 19 my cousin is getting married in Montgomery. I'm looking for someone to watch my boys (6 months and 2 yrs) plus Whitney's little girl (7 months) during the wedding. I'm assuming we'd have her come to the hotel and keep them there. It's just for the wedding (we will take them to the reception probably) do you guys know anyone we can contact there in town? Anyone you've used before/grown up with/are related to/lived near and trust/etc...

    I'd really appreciate it. Its kind of hard finding a babysitter miles and miles away ;o)

  2. Oh I just read your last post..poor Cate and poor you! I'm in love with those teacup pillow cute..whee did you find them?? They would look adorable in Mack's room! :)
