Friday, February 25, 2011

Thursday Afternoon Cheer Session

Yesterday afternoon was perfect weather for a sister stunt session. Bethany and Towns were supposed to be at gymnastics, but we decided it would be a better idea to enjoy the afternoon and go to the late night class instead (where B would end up getting her back proud of her!!). It was way too tempting to agree to Bethany's master plan. And she's pretty persuasive anyway, so I usually fold under pressure! Towns does several stunts in her cheer routine, and being that they have a competition coming up she needed some practice. B's always sweet to take control of that because goodness knows I can't...
Towns loves to feel like she's big enough to participate in being a base, so Cate let them have their way with her...
Bebs and Cate after her cradle...
Here's where I really gave in...
Cate took charge of the camera right before B talked me into doing an extension. That's where our arms are fully extended and Towns might as well be 20 feet in the air with the way my heart is pounding. What we're doing in the picture is nothing compared to how high up she is when she's in an extension if that tells you anything. I would have been fine just doing it once, but what's the fun in risking breaking your daughter's neck just one time? After the second time, I couldn't take it anymore. Before we'd put her up in the stunt I caught myself saying, "this could be the time I accidentally drop her and she breaks her back." Not a pretty thought. Thankfully, Bebby's way more experienced than I am and she catches her every time. For some reason all I can hang onto is her foot which will surely end up breaking her ankle one day.

When my nerves couldn't take any more stunting, I convinced Cate to take her wheels for a spin...
This is much more my speed...
There's not much bodily damage that can be done with Power Wheels...ha!

This morning before school the three amigas were especially lovey dovey...
I have to capitalize on that opportunity whenever I can. It's not often Cate's that still or willing to be a part of such a love fest. Either way, I could eat 'em with a spoon!

Happy weekend!

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