Friday, March 18, 2011

Friday Randomness

Is randomness even a word?
Never mind...

Towns is about a month shy of turning six. Surprisingly enough, I haven't been an emotional wreck about the upcoming birthday. Turning five hit me like a ton of bricks. I suppose since she's in kindergarten and I've had no choice but to be ok with it, I've become a little less of a sap. But she even acts more growny these days, which I do have a problem with. So every once in a while I need to go overboard with silliness just to keep her in check. The other night I was snuggling with her before she went to bed, and I asked her if I could make up a new nickname for her. I said, "can I call you sugar pie, apple dumplin', blueberry muffin, angel love, doll face?" which really got her giggle box turned over. Then in the most serious tone she said, "no, that's too long of a name - just call me Brittany." What?! And the other day the two of us were telling Cate that she didn't need the old pacifier she happened to find tucked away in her room. She reverted back to baby mode and started in the the whining and fake crying like she used to do when she needed a paci. So Towns proceeded to tell her that she should leave that old paci out for Santa this coming Christmas. I asked her if it was so that he could give it to another little girl who needed one. She said, "no, so he can recycle it and make a new toy out of it for Buggy." Clearly, her mind is working for the environment. She makes me laugh.

Last week her class celebrated Dr. Seuss. They had silly assignments every day of the week. Monday she had to wear mismatched clothes. Not a problem. She just put on what she would normally pick out of I let her dress herself...
Tuesday was silly hat day...
Mrs. Pace and Mrs. Lindsay really got creative with their attire...
They're such good sports!
Wednesday was her favorite...
She had to wear her clothes backwards!
Thursday she got to take her favorite drink to school to have with the green eggs and ham they made...
Her choice? Milo's sweet tea, naturally. Friday we were out of towns so she missed wearing animal print from head to toe. Boy could we have gone to town with that one!

After eating from sun up 'til sun down all weekend long at the beach, I came home and told Bethany I needed a boot camp. Let me tell you, if you need a good workout she's your girl. She gathered all her exercises from the teen magazines she reads and put together a little something for me. Complete with a guide that she printed out for me in case she's not here to see me through it. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't walking like I just got thrown off of a bucking bronco. I've never felt pain like this before...that's a sign it's got to be working. Right?! Speaking of Bebby, the poor thing had to get a round of shots yesterday. Her sisters were there to hold her hand and get her through it...
She's petrified of shots, needles, etc. and needed all the moral support she could get. But the second B jokingly told Cate she had to get shots too, the girl was gone...
She meant she was getting as far away from the line of fire as she could! Towns wasn't budging, though. B did fantastic, and even though she was a little light headed afterwards it was nothing a trip to Target and Panera Bread coudn't cure.

Did you wear green yesterday? I didn't. And all three girls didn't let me forget it. Yesterday when Towns got to school she was ever so excited to see that she and Emma matched...
Lucky the Leprechaun had totally and completely ransacked their classroom, had Mrs. Lindsay's iPod playing the craziest songs, and left the silliest notes all around the room. The kids thought it was so cool. If you saw my house right now you'd swear Lucky had done some damage here. No such luck...pun intended.

Wednesday night at church Cate and Brock were in rare form. I just so happened to have my camera with me...
If you think those two aren't t-r-o-u-b-l-e together, you've got another thing coming. I've never in my life seen anything like it. Throw their other friend Ella in the mix and it's a sight! Their Mother's Day Out teacher calls them the triplets. Different mothers, same children. When I pick her up from school her teachers never give me a report that she's been in any trouble. But you can bet that Cate will tell on herself. The other night J was getting the girls in bed when Buggy decided to tell him that she had to go to Mrs. Mandy's desk that day. That's a step above time out in the world of preschool. She told him why she got in trouble and then said, "let's don't tell Mommy just yet." J told her that she definitely was going to tell me and she said, "ok, just now right now." I overheard the whole thing. I immediately texted my friend Mandy so she could give me the scoop, and it turns out that in fact Buggy was in trouble just as she'd said. If this is what we're dealing with at age three, I'm in trouble. Raising her is so different from raising this one...
I still haven't figured out why those two are like night and day. Towns is scared to death to break even the slightest rule. She's a sweetheart. Cate, on the other hand, makes a mockery of rules but is hands down the funniest person I know. And even more than that, she's my baby. Light bulb. I just figured out exactly why she is the way she is. Ha! And I love her to pieces regardless. We'll just have to work harder on staying out of time out.

Word on the street is that it's supposed to be 80 degrees today. I've gotten all my work done for the day, so you won't find us indoors. We definitely are in full Spring mode. We found a mini Easter tree at Target that the girls have already weighted down with eggs...
I always hesitate to fix things like that so that all the eggs aren't in one spot. Something just won't let me. It's perfect just the way it is!

Happy sunny, warm, and gorgeous Friday!


  1. Just remember what a wise person told me. Children are like flowers, some are pansies and some are roses :) HA!!!

  2. My one rose feels like I've got an entire garden full of them! Tell the wise Dr. Heath that we need more than an interpretation...we need to know how to make these roses stay out of juvy!!! Maybe you could go to that Wednesday night session and learn more on my behalf??
