Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Out of Hibernation

I totally understand why bears hibernate and skip winter all together. If I could, I'd do the same. We've been locked indoors long enough, and highly celebrated the first weekend of Spring! This past weekend was perfect for it. Perfect for strolling babies...
Perfect for drinking a big ol' cherry limeade...
Perfect for an afternoon at the park and befriending a half bulldog/half Dachshund...
An interesting mating choice, but nevertheless Cate loved it...
And perfect for gathering "tormadoes"...
Ok, ok. You caught me. We didn't grow the tomatoes. Someone at the farmers co-op gave them to J. But I'd like to think that one day we'd have a good spot to have our own little garden. And Cate's word choice is a cross between tornado and tomato. She interchanges that one word for both terms. She's got her own dictionary and you'd have to live with her to understand it. :)

We definitely got a day's worth of house and yard work out of Saturday. In the midst of it, Bethany decided to spend some time with Towns teaching her to ride her bike without training wheels...
Buggy did a little bike riding of her own...

Sunday after church my camera put in major overtime...
I say this all the time, but it seems that every picture I have of the three girls Bethany is steadily smiling and the younger two are acting like clowns. Case in point...
Don't let these pictures of Buggy and Bebs deceive you. They have a unique relationship. When they're on, they're on. But when Bug's in a mood, you can hang it up. I don't know if I can quite put my finger on it, but it goes a little something like this...
Cate: Can I have one of your M&Ms, Bethany?
Bethany: Sure you can if you promise to be nice to me for the rest of the day.
Cate: Welllll, I think I'll just go get my own.
True story. Happened Friday afternoon. Don't tell me the child doesn't know she's a mess!
Now these two, they're stuck like glue...
Towns worships the ground her Bebby walks on!
While Cate's perfectly content doing her own thing right by herself...
That afternoon Bethany and I walked a couple of miles and solved the world's problems. We had a plan for world peace before Obama went and ruined it. Kidding. After we got our exercise on, J took Bebs fishing and I took the munchkins to the park (for the tenth time in one weekend). The girls were dead set on walking, so we opted for the park at the Presbyterian church a block over. Towns got her iPod going and totally took over my role as mom...
It's a good thing they love the park so much...
You can't beat free entertainment these days!


  1. You lost me at bulldog/dachshund mix. Wow!!

    Hibernating for the winter: I'm with you on that one.

    I love Juvy's choice of words. Reid has his own dictionary too. :) We planted a few "tormadoes" this past weekend. It's still a bit earlier than we usually plant but we couldn't stand it. We're already anxiously awaiting their arrival. Hopefully they'll do well and we'll have plenty to share.

    Cate and B crack me up. She told me last week that Cate was really loving her Bebby. B was eating it up. Then yesterday she said, "Well, Cate's not really liking me this week." HA! That Juvy... At least B takes it all in stride and can laugh about it.

  2. Mary Reese decided to take her training wheels off Sunday. We aren't having much luck...maybe I need to borrow Bethany?
