Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Girls Night Out

It was far from wild and crazy (as the title might otherwise imply), but Bethany, Towns and I ventured out for a little girl time Friday night. Jonathan took Cate on a date to make her feel extra special which was just what the doctor ordered. That baby loves her daddy. So do I. I love that taking Buggy to Chick Fil A on a Friday night is his idea of a good time! I had promised Towns that we would do something fun over the weekend to celebrate the end of MRT testing, and it just so happened that the magnet school was putting on High School Musical, Jr. at the Princess Theater. She originally requested that we go to the movies to see Tangled for the third time so I was glad to have an alternate plan. I like the movie and all, but...

I asked Bethany if she'd like to go, all the while thinking the answer would be a definite no. However, she flattered us by saying yes and even went so far as to ask if we could make it a big deal and go to dinner before the play. We were cutting it close time-wise, so B picked fast food. We did go inside to sit down and eat to make it a little more formal...ha! What can I say? They're cheap dates and easy to please...

We got to the Princess just in time to score front row seats in the balcony. Towns and her friend Emma had plotted all week to sit together, and found each other immediately. I swear the have some sort of radar for each other...
I took my camera, but the genius in me left my memory card in the computer at home. Taking pictures in the dark with an iPhone doesn't cut it, but it's all I had! All kids love going to the Princess. Who wouldn't love boat loads of popcorn, Sour Punch Straws and M&Ms? Emma's sister was in the show which had the two little ones thinking she was a major celeb. And I'm with them. I was beyond impressed at the talent we saw. Never in my life have I seen elementary school kids get on stage in front of hundreds of people and perform like they performed. It was unbelievable! It was a far cry from the public school plays we put on as kids, that's for sure. Bethany and I sat there the entire time commenting on how we couldn't believe what we were seeing. Right out of the gate we decided on what roles we would have if we were on stage. Towns and Emma both picked Sharpay. They pretended their bottles of water were microphones throughout the play, naturally. It didn't take Bebby long to find her role either. Don't know what her name is, but it was the braniac turned hip-hop dancer who displayed her moves on the cafeteria table to "Stick With the Status Quo". I swear my side was hurting from laughing so hard at her. Funny thing is that B was laughing while secretly wishing it were her on top of that table. She might kill me for that...

See that girl? She makes me laugh laugh like crazy. This morning when she got up I reminded her that today was the day of her dentist appointment. You could have said, "surprise, we're going to Disney World" and you wouldn't have gotten a better reaction. She loves the dentist. Then she opened her mouth as wide as it could go and told me to look at her teeth. She said, "see? No cowboys in there." Pretty sure she meant cavities, but nevertheless she got a "cowboy" free report today! I love how she gets so relaxed that she stretches out as far as her little arms and legs will go on the table...
When she was done she got to pick out a toy and a sticker. After she picked her sticker she tugged on Miss Kelly's shirt to ask if she could pick two more stickers for her sisters. She picked Hello Kitty and Strawberry Shortcake. Perfect choices for Bebs and Towns! :)
Perhaps this is the reason behind her love of going to the dentist...
They have a huge indoor playground that we have to literally drag her out of when it's time to get her teeth cleaned. I have a love/hate relationship with that playground for that very reason!

We had to hurry out to get her to dancing in time. Dentist and dance in one morning?! That's the best day ever in the life of a three year old, my friends. And this is what happens when all the fun is over and it's time to go home...
Cue the background music...I feel a meltdown coming on. I scooped her up and took her outside before anyone witnessed it, thankfully. Bless her heart, she's sitting on go all the time and doesn't handle down time very well. I don't have a clue where she gets it from...


  1. Mary Reese and I had a date to High School Musical Saturday afternoon. It was fabulous! I am always amazed at what comes out of that school!

  2. The boys had a dentist appointment yesterday too. You know you've picked the right dentist when your children want and look forward to going (even Reid skipped right on back). We didn't get out of there cowboy free though. I love how laid back and relaxed she is on that table. Too cute. :)
