Friday, March 4, 2011

We Made It!

It's been a week. A stressful one at that. Who knew a kindergartner taking a somewhat standardized test for the magnet program could be such a grueling experience?! With the MRT under her belt, we can all rest easy again. We've been buried in homemade practice worksheets, done oral quizzes when paper wasn't handy, and I'm sure if I asked Towns, "what's one less than 20" one more time she'd stab me in the eye with her pencil. I wanted her to be on her A-game Tuesday morning for the first day of testing so I let her wear her absolute favorite outfit...
She loves it because it looks like a big girl outfit, but I'm pretty sure the cherry on top is that her Grandmommy bought it for her. That makes things a little more special! On a different note, Buggy's in her dancing attire with a dress thrown over it because she made it to dance without her mama smashing her fingers in the door beforehand!!

Wednesday we hit a bump in the road. Mrs. Lindsay called me from school to tell me she'd gotten a splinter in her toe at PE. Then she said, "actually it's not just a splinter, it's a doozie." I went immediately to pick her up and then spent the next four and a half hours trying to get that doozie out...
Don't let that picture deceive you. It was HUGE. When I say huge, I mean maybe more like a tree branch than a splinter. She wanted to put a Band-Aid on and forget about it. Bless her heart, she was in so much pain and it hurt my heart to see her like that. Usually removing a splinter is easy peasy. Not this one. It was deep. I had to basically cut a hole in her skin to remove it because it wasn't coming out the same way it went in. That wasn't a simple task given the fact that if I so much as even looked at her toe she screamed that I was hurting her. Bethany got home from school and was so sweet to help keep her mind off of it while I operated. She was such a big girl. Lesson learned on wearing flip flops to school!

Yesterday when I picked her up from school she told me ten times over how glad she was that all the tests were over. I was a wreck all week, therefore I was a little glad too! You spend all that time preparing for it, hoping that she's learned enough of it in school as well, and then us moms just have to sit and wait with zero control over any of it. That's a hard job and a helpless feeling. I'm well aware that I've gone overboard worrying and over thinking it. I'm a mom...that's my job. Now that it's all over, we'll sit and wait even longer to find out where she'll be going to school next year. The Lord has served me up a lesson in patience on a silver platter. I know one thing's for sure...wherever she ends up will be exactly where she needs to be. And that's good enough for me!

Today they were having a day of relaxation after working so hard all week. She got to wear her PJ's which for some reason is always super exciting...
J asked her this morning if that was an owl on her shirt. I told him that it's actually a dog that looks like it's about to rip your face off. Odd choice for little girl's sleepwear, but she thought it was so cool. And after the week she's had, my motto is "whatever floats your boat" because it's Friday and we made it!! Hallelujah!


  1. Oh that log in her toe still makes me cringe to look at! Although I have to admit I love that kind of thing so I would've been all about getting it out. Not that I want my kids to get hurt because I know splinters hurt. But when they do get one they know I'm not gonna stop until I get it out. Glad the "operation" was successful. :)
