Thursday, March 24, 2011

Uptown Girl & the Army

I never would have guessed it, but the girls are closeted Billy Joel fans. I have Uptown Girl on a CD and they've started asking to hear it all the time. This morning after we dropped Towns off at school Cate asked what an uptown girl was, so I told her. Then she wanted to get dressed up like one and dance to the song...
That's the number one reason I love that she's home with me two mornings a week. The girl makes me laugh. She woke up this morning with one thing on her mind. Pets. I always hold her for a few minutes when she first wakes up...that's the way we both have to start our day. For some reason, it makes for interesting conversation. Here's the way it went this morning...
Cate: Where the pet store?
Me: There's one by Target. Why?
Cate: I want a pet.
Me: A pet rock?
Cate: {15 seconds of thinking hard followed by} Oh yes, yes, yes. That's what I want. Do they don't bite?

Last night after church all the girls and I curled up on the couch for a little TV time. Remember when I told you that Bethany and Towns are always right up under each other while Cate's perfectly content to be on her own? These two were at one end of the couch...
While Buggy was at the other end...I have to remind myself that that's the way she likes it or else I'd start feeling bad. She's an independent little thing unless I'm around. And then she becomes a permanent attachment. I wouldn't have it any other way, though!

I love finding little gems like this in the folder Towns brings home from school...
You have to sound it out just right to know that if she were president she would fight in the army. An army of girls with boot cut jeans, pink shirts, and flat-ironed hair. That's girl power folks. Gaddafi would be shaking in his boots at the sight of this, I'm sure.


  1. I read that on the first try and my children are 22 and 23! I love the blog and your girls are beautiful. It's just nice to read about another family that does just family stuff but always tries to stay positive. Keep writing!

  2. Oh, TT. I will say the same thing about you as you do me. I read this just as if I'm sitting on your couch and you're telling me everything word-for-word about your weekend. And I love it! I just wish I actually could be sitting on your couch hearing it! And GO TOWNS!
