Tuesday, March 1, 2011


The bad thing about being so busy is that by the time I wrap up a post about our weekend, it's almost time for another one to roll around. The good thing about that is another weekend rolling around! I live for them these days. Last weekend was one of the most laid back we've had in a while. Friday afternoon Towns gladly packed her bag for her first ever spend the night party...
She's spent the night away from home with a friend once before, but this was excitement on a whole other level. It was almost more than she could handle...friends, pizza, popcorn, Toy Story 3, cake, and sleeping on the floor all rolled into one night. Does it get any better than that?!
Um, yes it does. Because when we walked into Sydney's house this is what we saw...
A pink high bar, a pink gymnastics mat and a balance beam that was at her disposal all night! Needless to say, she didn't notice that I begged for a goodbye hug or that I left (without one).

J and I took Cate on a date since she was absolutely distraught that she was the only "stister" left at home. With B away for the weekend and Towns at Sydney's, there wasn't much left to do other than eat that precious little doll face with a spoon. I'm telling you, that girl has my heart. All it takes is her saying, "Mommy I love you so much, like real much, like this big (arms stretched out as far as they can go), like a million times all the horses ever" and I'm mush. While we waited on J to get home so we could take her to dinner, we played Old Maid several hundred times. Her hands are so tiny and it's hard for her to hold all of her cards, but beyond that it's near impossible for her not to nonchalantly show them to her opponent to let me know she doesn't have the Old Maid...
I tell her to turn them over and this happens...
She gets ill because then she can't see them. But the funniest part is that when she does get the Old Maid she gives it away immediately...
She thinks it's hilarious. After we both had some wins and losses under our belt, we colored for a while. That's when I caught her doing this...
B has a fish named Milo which led to the other two having to have fish of their own...Smoochie and Milo (Cate named hers after B's), and what she was doing was showing them our family picture. She held it there until her little arm couldn't hold it any longer. Mercy!

Saturday morning everyone was overly excited to pick up Towns and hear all about her night. Sleepovers are officially the coolest thing in world and is what she wants to do in lieu of a big birthday bash. This chick isn't nearly as brave as Sydney's mom, though. After a quick trip to run a few errands in Huntsville, we took the party home to enjoy the gorgeous day. Blondie stayed up past midnight and couldn't hang with us...
The last nap she has that wasn't a product of the flu over Christmas was before Cate was born. The girl just doesn't sleep during the day. She was one tired baby!
Cate and I broke out the sidewalk chalk while we let Towns sleep...
She wanted me to draw our house. That led to her asking me to draw a house for everyone in her class. Her imagination kicked into overdrive and we had a whole neighborhood started. She'd ride her bike to Brock's house, get off, and knock on the door...
That's her knocking, if you can't tell. :)
After she pretended to play with Brock for a while, she'd ride her bike back to her house...
We decided to wake Towns up so she wouldn't miss out on the fun (and so that she'd actually sleep that night). I turned our front walk into an intersection with a stop light to keep them burning that energy for a little while longer...
Towns clearly wasn't happy about being woken up. Bless her heart, every little thing made her as ill as a hornet. She got mad when Cate rode on the wrong side of the road, she got mad that the wind was blowing too hard, and the thing that made her maddest of all was the way I fixed her hair...
I mean, wouldn't that make you mad too? Ha!
She turned in early Saturday night and woke up in a much better mood Sunday morning. She didn't even object to a picture with her favorite guy before church...
When we picked her up from Sunday School, she'd made a book of her family. The first page was J and me...
I love these kinds of things. I'm pretty sure I have everything all three of the girls have ever given me like this. I love that she even got our hair and eyes just right. My thighs have never been that far apart, but she knows the way to her mama's heart.

After church we came home to enjoy more play time outdoors...
That's them signing autographs after putting on a huge concert on the front porch. Then Towns got the bright idea to ask her daddy to get her four wheeler out. In the meantime, Cate had a few poses up her sleeve...
If you'll notice, she gets more sass with every picture...And here you go...This is where I had to draw the line!
Towns came back telling us that if Cate came with her to plead their case for riding a four wheeler in Sunday clothes, she just knew J would say yes. So off they went one right after the other...
Of course J brought out the wheels and they rode their hearts out for the rest of the afternoon...

I don't know about you, but we are some kind of excited that February is finally over and March is here...
We made it through the winter months! Success!!


  1. I love everything about this weekend, except that Iwasn't there to play with yall!

  2. Juvy showing the fish the family pic is hee-freakin-larious! I'm still doing a double take when seeing pictures of her these days. Not only is she looking growny but she's looking so much like T. They're both beautiful little girls.
