Friday, April 8, 2011

It's Friday

I can't help but sing the You Tube girl's annoying song. You know the one. But nevertheless, I'm glad it's Friday! It's also the day that kicks off our Spring Break which makes us all happy campers. We started the celebration yesterday with a trip to the Monaco to see Hop...
The little ones left B and me in the dust...They were excited about the movie...and they liked it. Me, not so much. It was cute, but there were definitely some parts that made me tilt my head and think, "really?". It wasn't nearly as kid friendly as I assumed it would be. Namely, when the Easter Bunny lands in Hollywood and seeks out Hugh Hefner's compound because that's where he thinks bunnies belong. Seriously? I'm all for a little adult humor thrown in discretely, but there was nothing about it that was discrete. Thankfully, the girls had no idea what was going on. Mercy. We all had a great time and I suppose that's all that counts! After the big movie outing, we had to hurry home and break out the sewing machine. Not only is today Friday, but it was Captain Consonant and the Letter Pirates day at Towns' school. Cue the excitement! We definitely love any excuse to dive into our costume collection, but unfortunately pirate attire is non-existent around here. I bought half a yard of red and white striped fabric and some elastic and gave Townsy a sewing lesson...
Naturally, she's going to clown around no matter what she's doing!
Precious little hands...After our sewing project was complete, it was time for gymnastics. I'll be the first to admit that it's tough making that 30 minute drive to gymnastics three times a week. But then when one of the girls finally gets something they've been working so hard at, it's worth it...

I was so proud of both Bethany and Towns!

No one was in bed before 10:00 last night. That's the price we pay on Friday mornings after those Thursday night gymnastics classes. But Towns didn't mind getting up early this morning to assume her pirate role. I made her a skull and crossbones shirt, put her hair in braids as I'm sure all girl pirates do, cut up a black t-shirt of J's for a sash, and voila...
The boys in her class are so funny. They were making their best pirate faces, obviously!

Once Towns was busy with her morning work, I went to drop Cate off in her class. Ella and Buggy were the only two in her class today...
Don't let those sweet faces deceive you! Kidding, kidding...

J and I were in charge of one of the pirate phonics games where the kiddos had to walk the plank. Towns loved it because it was like the balance beam...
Here's where it gets funny. After the games, the kids had a few cute songs to perform followed by some pirate commands to teach us parents. J is such a sport, let me tell you.
This is "hit the deck"...
Because "here comes a shark"...
Later they had to curtsy to the captain's wife...
If only the pictures did it justice. Hysterical. I told him that if I ever needed someone to take over Princess Ballerina Camp in the summers for me, he's my new go-to. Today's been bittersweet for me. Back in the fall the kids had Hoe Down in Vowel Town when they'd studied all the vowels. It seemed like the end of the consonant study was forever away. Now we're here, done with all the letters which means the end of school is inevitably near. Bring on the Kleenex!!

Speaking of Kleenex, Coco the cat has taken up with the neighbor and rarely comes back to our house. Cate spends a lot of time on the front porch swing wondering why Coco doesn't like it here, and most times the tears flow freely. I refrained from telling her that it's likely that the poor cat feels much safer at Miss Alicia's house where Cate can't get to her, and instead told her that Coco has to think Miss Alicia's two dogs are fun to play with. Bless her little heart...
She wanted to know if we could tie Coco to one end of a rope and tie the other end to the front porch. I'm thinking that would go over like a lead balloon. We'll have all week to coax her back because we officially have a week of nothing to do and nowhere to be. Glorious! B's headed to the beach for the week. It's taking all I can do not to hop in her suitcase, though. The only thing better than a week at home with no commitments is a week at the beach with no commitments!

We've all seen it before, but this just makes me even happier that it's might have a tad bit to do with the fact that Taylor Hicks makes a cameo. Sixty, that's for you!

Happy Friday!


  1. Love the shout out! Speaking of shows, we went to see Barney Live last week. You missed your calling. He had some back-up dancers that were tearing it up. It was a "hip" show and they were getting down. AK and I both were sorry you missed out!
