Monday, April 4, 2011

Lucky 7

This past weekend J and I celebrated our 7th anniversary. I don't believe in luck, so 'Lucky 7' isn't exactly the best title for this one. But it beats '7 Year Itch', right?!

We say it all the time, but it just doesn't seem like it's been seven years since we were married on the beach at Seaside...
I still think he's hysterically funny. We still high five at the smallest things. He knows what I'm thinking without me having to say a word. I pick up the phone when he's calling before it ever rings. We're stuck like glue, or so the song says...
He's pretty amazing in every way possible. I'm one blessed lady!
He'd ever so sweetly planned a beach get away for us, but I suggested that we hit the beach together when it's guaranteed to be a little warmer. Although in hindsight I'm sure it would have been a great weekend to be there. It was hot and gorgeous here, so I know it must have been even better at the beach. That just gives us something to look forward to, though!

Early last week we were running an infirmary. Towns stayed out of school for three days with strep and scarlet fever. When J called to get the diagnosis after our doctor visit, he was sure that the child was on her death bed at the sound of scarlet fever. For some reason Little House on the Prairie stuck out in my mind. After I researched it online, I found that it goes hand in hand with strep and isn't serious unless it's left untreated. We definitely had the treatment part under control, so I assured him she'd be fine. The only problem is that she has a phobia when it comes to medicine. She physically can't take it - doesn't matter what shape, form or fashion it is. Flavored or not, it's not going to stay down. Usually it takes us two or three tries before she gets a full dose in her which isn't pretty. But that's what a mama's job is all about. I definitely can't stand to see her sick, but with her independent streak lately it was quite nice to have her need me so much. We gave her lots of TLC, naturally. By Wednesday she was literally all but bouncing off the walls and itching to get back to school. I had originally told her that she probably didn't need to sing in her little program at church that night, but she'd been fever free for well over 24 hours and J thought she'd be just fine. So we all loaded up and headed that way to support little blondie. As soon as we got to church Brock and Cate found each other. They're as thick as thieves, or so their MDO teacher says. She calls him her brother which is just too sweet...
Brock's favorite color is green. I didn't realize this until I noticed that everything Cate has picked out lately has been green...whether it be a new toothbrush or a drink from the 'bass station'. When I finally asked her what was up with her green obsession she quickly told me that it's what her brother Brock likes. As long as we keep that relationship like brother and sister, J and I will roll right along with it. :) Towns had been practicing her songs at home and was glad it was time to take the stage...
This is when a zoom lens would really come in handy!
As usual, Towns was only interested in her biggest fan after it was all said and done...
She loves her Bebby to pieces!

I got a wild hair to take a trip to market in Atlanta Friday. I brought along two sidekicks because everything is always more fun when they're around...
Anna Kate and Tara are always up for an adventure. That's them digging into my bag o' tricks after dinner on Thursday night. They always know there is no telling what they'll find!
I fell in love with Blair while I was at Tara's. She is the cutest little thing, and her laugh is out of this world. I tried to get her to come home with me. Maybe next time! We dropped her off at school bright and early Friday morning before we hit market...
Of course she started laughing just after I snapped that picture. Go figure!
When I got home Friday afternoon, Cate let me in on the first big secret she'd been entrusted with. For as long as I can remember I've wanted a bike. I had one, but J destroyed it trying to do BMX bike tricks on a mint green granny style Schwinn. Needless to say those two things don't mix. The Schwinn bit the dust. I've wanted another one like it...go ahead and laugh. I can take it. I'm a simple girl and don't need fancy things. If I had a souped up bicycle with gears and such, I'd likely kill myself trying to figure out how it works. The girls love to ride their bikes all over the neighborhood, and usually I'm hoofing it behind them trying to keep up. It may seem silly to everyone else but me, but my thoughtful husband gave me this for our anniversary...
It was supposed to wait until Sunday which was our actual anniversary, but Cate told me about it on Friday so there was no point in waiting! I'm not sure who was more excited, me or the girls. We rode all day Saturday, and it was a big day because Towns finally mastered her bike without training wheels...
She got so confident at it that she decided we should try to ride a few blocks over to the park. So that's just what we did! She stuck to her favorite, the monkey bars...
While Cate tended to her baby. We settled in on some stairs in the shade where she informed me that her baby was still so young and hadn't learned to be tough yet. And then she threw her about five feet away and said, "see? She's so not tough" before she felt bad and went to pick her up...
I told her that in the real world someone would probably call DHR on her over that.

A little off the subject, but did I mention we've taken in a kitty? Bethany and Cate are equally smitten with her. Towns likes her, but isn't nearly in to Coco Chanel nearly as much as the other two are. B named her, of course! I'm not sure if she belonged to someone or not, but now she's wearing a hot pink collar which means she's officially ours. The poor cat is a sport. She's been carried all over the place and in every sort of way possible. She usually lets Buggy have her way with her which is why she's got my stamp of approval. Any cat that can be tormented like that and not claw someone's eyes out is a good cat in my book. Case in point...
Cate thinks she loves to be held like that. Maybe it's the horrid sound that she makes when Cate's got her that makes me think otherwise. Either way, she's hung around for over a week so it must not bother her too bad! This has sparked a new found love of pets for Cate. When Coco's nowhere to be found, she pretends this dog is real. She'll take it out on the porch to eat and then take it to the back yard to do its business...
The child has a natural instinct to take care of something/somebody like I've never seen before!

Yesterday afternoon was perfect for more bike riding...
I had to get it on video because Towns wanted the grandparents to see it for themselves...

She's getting better by the day!
There's a long list of things I love about J. One of them is that he cares nothing about what someone might think of him riding a pink and white bicycle down our street...
He's such a good daddy!
And that's precisely why we're seven years into it and I couldn't be happier!


  1. Had a great time in the ATL with yall! Thanks for letting us tag along :) Time to plan our next adventure!

  2. Happy Anniversary TT! I feel so extra special that you would leave your beau to come and be with me in ATL! Thanks for the fun day trip! It was a blast!

  3. Yay for Towns riding her bike! Big girl!
    I'm thinking I may need my own pink bike;)
