Monday, May 16, 2011

The Big 6!

Looking back, I realized I never posted this...I wrote it the day before the tornadoes came through, which was also Towns' 6th birthday. I think I deserve a free pass here; nothing has been normal since then!

If ever a family can pack a hundred things into one day, it was us today. You only turn 6 once, so we had to do it up right! We started off before the sun came up with Towns' favorite breakfast...
Crescent rolls with butter, cinnamon and sugar. Yum! Her little eyes are so puffy because she literally had been in a deep sleep just two minutes before that picture. But Bethany had awards day at school at 8:00 so we had to get moving!
Two sweet sisters and a birthday girl...
Bethany looked gorgeous, and we were so proud of her when she walked across the stage to accept her award for amazing grades...
One day I'll invest in a zoom lens. I keep saying that but have yet to do it! That's as good as I could get with Buggy hanging from my hip. Despite the blurry picture, we're so very proud of you and your award, Bebs!!
We left awards day early so Towns could catch the bus for her field trip. When we got to school we learned that it had been rescheduled due to rain. It was a field trip that was mostly outdoors, so it's just as well. She got to wear the birthday hat for the second day in a row which made for a happy six year old!

I do love a birthday countdown, and since Towns was turning 6 it was only fitting that we start it on day 6...
This next one is a bit of a joke. Buggy was insistent that she be in it for one, and it's so blurry you can barely see it...
And finally, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
After school, my friend Amy dropped by with the mother of all gifts. Towns' very own craft box! She dove in immediately...
And this is what she came out with...
A mask with no eye holes...we'll work on that!

Shortly after the crafting was over, we heard a knock at the door. Who could it be?
Sweet Miss Elle, one of Towns' favorite people...
She made gigantic chocolate cupcakes from scratch for the birthday girl, complete with a framed poem about how special turning 6 is. So sweet!
Do you see this smile?
That's one happy girl! And she didn't wait a second longer to dig in...
I must admit those were the best cupcakes I've ever put in my mouth. Thank you, Elle!!

When Bebs got home from school it was time to kick it into party mode...
Finding the perfect gifts for her wasn't so easy this year. She's very much into clothes and shoes, but has developed her own sense of, um, style. :) Most everything I pick out for her she wouldn't dare wear. So she got several things I knew were safe bets.
Like the movie Sharpay's Fabulous Adventure...
And the Big Top cupcake...
She's the only 6 year old I know who would be thrilled with such a gift!
Silverlicious was a hit for both of these chicks...
That was the 4th one we've added to the collection. Such cute books! I love that it's about Pinkalicious losing her sweet tooth, and Towns has a super wiggly tooth. Oh the horror if Towns ever lost her sweet tooth. The child wouldn't be able to survive!

Perhaps her most favorite gift were a pair of silver sparkly Toms from her Bebby (thanks to a covert operation to get them here), and purple CD player with a remote that sort of doubles a make shift mic. That $29.99 was the best money we've ever spent...the laughs I've gotten from watching the three girls get down to the CD I made them this afternoon has been priceless!

Instead of the normal birthday dinner celebration we usually put together, we had something far better on the agenda. Open House at Ben Davis where Towns will be going for 1st grade. Hallelujah, praise the Lord!! It's such a relief that all the waiting is over and we have a plan for next year.
J with the younger two before we left...
And yes, those are pink cowgirl boots Buggy's wearing with her smocked shorts set. Three words: pick your battles.
Towns is a clown and thought she was going to put on a show to make us laugh...
Until the wind blew her skirt up...
Oh, the silliness!
When we got to Ben Davis, we were greeted by a familiar face...
Sweet Mary Bradford came right up to welcome us!
These three ran off and explored on their own...
I'm very appreciative that the school is so laid back and tolerant of little sisters who think they own the place. I have a feeling that policy might change after they get a taste of the McClendons!

It was a great night, and Towns gave Ben Davis Elementary a big thumbs up...
We ended her birthday with dinner at the Mex, her all time favorite spot.
Apparently when you're 6, it doesn't get much better than that!


  1. Love, love, love this sweet girl! What a fun birthday celebration! But seriously...SHE CANNOT BE SIX?!?!?!


    And so glad to know she is coming to BD...Cassie will still be there in 2nd...I have her keep an eye out for her!

  3. There is something so not right about this child being six! I remember you holding her in your arms at AK's wedding like it was yesterday. You've done a good job Mama TT!

  4. Yay, for Towns (and you)! I know you're relieved about BD!

  5. What a great birthday! I want to celebrate my next one at your house! Happy birthday, Towns!!
