Thursday, May 12, 2011

CSA Field Day

These next couple of weeks will be full of firsts and lasts, and I very much realize that recapping it is a complete bore to most people. This might be the perfect opportunity to take a vacation from the McClendons! I'm not great about writing things down and definitely can't find time to scrapbook, so this is my way of keeping track of milestones. Yesterday was one of them. It was Towns' first ever Field Day. It was also the hottest afternoon we've seen so far this year. Those two things don't mix well, but with lots of Gatorade and popsicles we all avoided heat strokes. The kindergartners walked across the street from the church to the field in front of the old bank building. They arrived promptly at 10 o'clock, right on schedule...
A quick prayer with Mrs. Jennifer before they got started...
Towns and Emma were ready to get the show on the road...
Towns was in the first group to do the sack race...
She won 1st place!
Next was the 30 yard dash...
She earned her second 1st place ribbon, but she also had a rainbow of ribbons for 2nd and 3rd places. They did every event in groups of 3 so that everyone could get a ribbon. She didn't care that she didn't get 1st place in everything, but more so that she got a ribbon of every color.
Towns, Sydney and Emma taking a water break...
I got a kick out of watching Towns do the 3 legged race. That was definitely not her strong suit! She and her partner fell a couple of times and ended up crawling over the finish line in 3rd place...
There was no win in tug-o-war either...
They were all such good or lose. And it was so sweet hearing them cheering their classmates on. Josie, Towns and Campbell made up the cheering section for the football throwing contest...
They also had a sunflower seed spitting contest. Too funny!
What was even funnier than watching kindergartners try to spit seeds was catching the two sweaty princess drag their lawn chairs over so they wouldn't have to stand up to watch...
They were the only ones taking a load off. Can you say high maintenance?!
Towards the end of it you could find Miss Priss like this...
She was way too hot and tired to give anything but a fake smile from then on...
She did, however, perk up when Mrs. Jennifer told them they'd saved the best for last...
Water guns...and for some reason, they all went after her!
After everyone was soaked and cooled off, they got their second wind and didn't mind posing for a class picture...
Such a sweet group!
Towns and I picked Cate up from school and joined a big group at the Mex. In Towns' realm of thinking, it just doesn't get any better than that.
When we got home, Cate reunited with her bestie...
Poor dog. :)
I threw the Church Street Academy shirt in the wash because today brought another big treat...a field trip to Wheeler Wildlife Refuge! I debated on whether or not to go. Cate would be in tow, and Towns politely explained that she always gets "all in the middle of everything" when she goes on field trips with her. I promised to try to keep her contained. She agreed that we could come, but asked that I let her stay with her class until school was over (instead of bringing her home with me when we left) so that she could eat her sack lunch with everyone. There must be something pretty exciting about a sack lunch on a field trip!
We've been to the refuge several times before, but this time it was way more informational...
The kids got to watch a short educational movie on animals. And then they got to see a real hawk and learn fun facts about it. Pretty cool!
After that, I couldn't pay much attention to anything else because every exhibit contained a snake of some sort...
Towns told me that before they left they saw a real snake in the water on the cypress trail. Glad we left before that part of the field trip!!
The telescope really fascinated her...
When there are only two little girls in the class, we end up with a lot of these...
Oliver and Cate have always hit it off. He stayed with her to make sure she could see everything she needed to see...
Couldn't resist this one...
Funny that the very person Towns didn't want on her field trip is who she held hands with the entire time. Hmmm. :)
The highlight of the day was seeing my friend Jess and her pre-K class. I love seeing her in action! And, well, seeing her cute nephew Put was the cherry on top. I taught him in music at school a couple of years ago, and I love that he still calls me "the red Mrs. Tara"...being that his teacher had the same name, but had brown hair. Too cute!

Towns has told Cate several times this afternoon that she can't help clean their room because she's too worn out from the two busy days she's had. However, I have a feeling she won't be too worn out to roller skate later this afternoon at a friend's birthday party.
Isn't it odd how that happens?!

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