Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Hot Air Balloon Classic

To me, it's always been the "hot air balloon festival", but I stand corrected.  Apparently it's a classic and not a festival, however, the terminology is a moot point. Memorial Day weekend is always one of our favorites.  We've always stayed close to home to enjoy the hot air balloons at Pt. Mallard.  J's good friend and his family invited us to go to the beach with them this time around and we fully planned to go, but our wires got crossed on the dates so we ended up staying here.  Truth be told, when the girls found out we were missing the balloons they weren't happy about it - even if it meant missing them for a beach trip.  So they were excited our plans fell through.  However, I think Bethany would have gone on without us if she could have.  That girl won't pass up a trip to the beach!

Back in 2005, shortly after Towns was born, Bethany was with us for Memorial Day.  We were at the neighborhood park and spotted a hot air balloon.  We saw one, then another, and so on.  As newcomers to the area, we had no idea where they were coming from or where they were going but decided to hop in the car and follow them.  They led us to Pt. Mallard.  The bumper to bumper traffic should have tipped us off that there was something major happening.  I'll never forget it.  After we found a parking spot and walked a little ways down the street, there was a clearing in the trees that opened up to a field of hot air balloons for as far as we could see.  It was unbelievable.  We've been regulars every year since, and obviously it's become a habit we can't break.  Not even for a weekend at the coast!  Our favorite part is the balloon glow at dusk on Saturday night.  That along with a mini carnival and funnel cakes seals the deal every time.  Grandmommy and Pop joined us for the big event which made it all even more fun.  Usually we get there just in time to see the balloons and then hit the bouncies and such afterwards.  This year we did it backwards which worked out much better.  The girls weren't nearly as worn out and we were all in bed at a somewhat reasonable hour!

We found out the hard way that there was nothing but concrete to break your fall if you came down this slide too fast...
Don't be fooled...it was much higher than it looks!
The fear in their eyes says it all...
Thank goodness for a skort! Ha!
Towns got really brave and almost attempted a front flip from the top...
But that asphalt must have been in the back of her mind because she never followed through with it.
This little sissy wasn't even thinking about showing out.  She wanted her Bebby to catch her at the bottom...
Somewhere in the middle of it all, I took this picture which is currently my favorite of all time...
I could eat them alive.  Seriously.
I can't really explain how much I enjoy this chick...
She talked my ears off that night about everything under the sun.  She's something else, and I love that about her!  I also think this guy is pretty great...
Especially since he puts up with me and my blasted camera even when he'd much rather shove it (and maybe me too) in the nearest trash can.

Grandmommy and Pop with their girls...
When it was almost dark, we found a perfect spot in the grass and wondered why on earth we let J talk us out of bringing chairs...
B and I were twins in white skirts which doesn't mix well with planting yourself in the grass, but that's another story.  Look closely at that picture and you might just spot two clowns.  Or monkeys.  Whichever you prefer.
The view was pretty amazing...
It was even better when the balloons started "glowing"...
Pop spotted a huge dinosaur he wanted us to check out...
Huge is an understatement when you're standing right underneath it!
Cate very much preferred seeing the dinosaur from the comfort of Pop's arms...
Can't say that I blame her!
After a funnel cake or two we were ready to call it a night.  The next morning, all three girls headed south with J's parents.  When I said they're fantastic I wasn't kidding.  J and I enjoyed a relaxing rest of the long weekend with dinner, a movie, and the peacefulness of a quiet house.  It's nice for a day or two, but any longer than that and we're walking around in circles not knowing what to do with ourselves.  What can I say?  We function better as a whole.  And I don't think we'd have it any other way!


  1. I think I am going to invite myself to Decatur to experience this. Everytime I see the pics, it looks so much fun. What do you say? Will you host us!?!?

  2. You've got yourself plans for next Memorial Day, Sixty! Blair would have a FIT over all the madness going on. It's a kid's dream!

  3. I want to come, too! I say that every time I see pics~my kids would be in awe. ; )
