Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Dance Recital '11

We're a few weeks into summer and haven't slowed down a bit.  If anything, it seems like there's more going on now than when we were in the middle of the school year.  How does that happen?  Last Thursday, Friday and Saturday were spent getting ready for the girls' dance recital.  It was Cate's first year on stage and Towns' third year.  In theory, being in a dance recital sounded good to Buggy.  In reality, it wasn't really her thing.  I spent the few minutes leading up to her debut coaxing her into going on stage and actually doing her dance without crying and screaming.  It's always nice to have a good stage presence that doesn't include mascara streaks down your face.  In an act of desperation I threw out the "name one thing you want and I'll get it for you after this is over if you'll just go out there and look like you're enjoying yourself" card.  That's a knife in the heart to a dance teaching mama.  All she cared about was going to sit in the audience with her daddy and Bethany and eating popcorn.  Period.  But once she got out there she looked like she was having the best time.  She was grinning from ear to ear.  When the lights went down and the audience applauded, she wanted her daddy again.  On the flip side, my Townsy could have been in every dance in the recital and still wanted more.  It amazes me how different two children can be!
Thursday afternoon was spent at the church getting pictures made.  Somehow, I subconsciously dress in the same colors lately...

I never realize it until someone comments on it and then I get embarrassed.  It looks like I intentionally match us to be able to keep everyone rounded up better or something.  Actually, that's not a bad idea given the fact that for the whole dress rehearsal at the Princess I barely saw Cate.  She ran around like she owned the place.  Not surprising in the least if you know her!
While we were there, the girls wanted a picture with Ellie who is in my tap and jazz classes...
She's so incredibly sweet to them and they adore her!

In the middle of her ripping and romping around the Princess on Friday, Cate made a new friend...
Cami was in a class of mine last year and is just precious.  Cate called her Sammy and Kimmie (and rarely Cami), but she didn't mind.  She stuck close to her and the other big girls...
That's them watching Towns' tap class rehearse.  They danced to Selah's "Deep Way Down" which was so much fun to watch.  Mrs. Valerie was the best teacher we could have asked for...
She begins every class with Scripture and prayer.  This day and age, you really can't beat that!
After spending 5 hours at rehearsal on Friday afternoon, Saturday finally rolled around.  Couldn't let the night go by without this...
And this one...
Being a dance teacher and a parent of dancers is tricky.  It's hard to juggle both around recital time.  Thankfully, I had sweet friends in the audience who took pictures for me.  Otherwise, every picture I have from the show is from the wings...
That's Towns getting ready to take the stage with the other dancers.  They were holding hands and patiently waiting their turn.  So sweet!
It was definitely a toe tapping number.  One that makes it difficult to sit still in your seat.  It's hard to tell from this one, but the girls were having a ball...
Cate's class and their dance were hysterical.  Any time you get little ones on stage, it's sure to entertain...
 She's the first bumble bee on the left.  See that smile?!  Girlfriend knows she loves it deep down.
I couldn't help but take several a ridiculous amount of pictures since it was her first dance recital...
I missed taking many of Towns' jazz dance, but did get a couple of her ballet dance...
After the show, the girls got pretty pink flowers...
As we made our way to the lobby to find the rest of the family, we spotted Miss Elle...
If our girls turn out to be dancers with even half of her talent, I'd be so proud.  She's amazing!
The fabulous four...
You may or may not be able to tell that they were all ready to get out of there because it was after 9 o'clock.  The only thing that could possibly make them stick around was the promise of cake and lemonade at the reception.  Why not?  If sugar is the reward for a successful night, then so be it!

1 comment:

  1. How you manage to juggle all you do is beyond me, but I'm so impressed! Especially at those to angels up on stage! Great job, girls!
