Thursday, July 28, 2011

Crazy Cupcakes

Thanks to my favorite sister duo (none other than Anna Kate and Virginia), we had afternoon entertainment yesterday.  Once I saw what they came up with earlier in the week, I knew we'd be trying it out.  They made rainbow cupcakes and nailed them.  I was too intimidated to try it for the fear of ours not turning out to look like rainbows which would end with two little girls in tears.  So we did ours a little differently.  Towns and Cate love to bake, but throw in neon food coloring and you might as well have told them they could have the whole bowl of batter to eat with a spoon!  What is it about food coloring, neon at that, that makes things more fun?  It was all flowing smoothly and right on track until Buggy decided to take the hand mixer out of the batter bowl and hold it high above her head.  Now you know as well as I do that's the biggest no-no ever in baking.  She knows it, too.  But she wouldn't be her silly little self if she didn't spice it up every now and then!  After ten minutes of removing batter from the cabinets, ceiling, and light fixtures, the three of us each made a pan of six cupcakes.  I let their creative juices take charge and let them do whatever they wanted to do with all the colors.  Some were striped, some some were swirly, but they all tasted fabulous hot out of the oven.  I know this because I ate two immediately.  So much for my P90X devotion!  In my defense, they were too cute not to eat.  We used a white cake mix (out of the box) with butter cream icing.  We're fancy around here, let me tell you.  I would have gone for homemade icing, but I was gun shy after Cate's escapade with the mixer.
It looked like a big mess to start with...

Actually, it was a big mess.  But the girls had such a good time, so the clean up and food coloring stained clothes were worth it.  Please excuse my disposable muffin tins...they're horrible, I know. 
This is why we love neon...

Those bad boys are so bright you'd need shades!
Trust me, they tasted as good as they looked...

This is our new favorite thing to bake...thanks for the tip Roommate and VLD!  Bethany even said she'd been wanting to try it out for a while, so I have a feeling round two is on the horizon...


  1. Now those are's now on our agenda for next week! Mack is going to be all over this! Just cake mix and neon food coloring?? email me some directions, please! :)

  2. OMG, LOOOOVE the neon colors! I didn't even know there were neon colors available..this gives me an excuse to make them again!!
