Saturday, July 30, 2011


For the last two weeks, Towns has been going to an art lesson at Memi's Pottery on Bank Street.  Our friend Mary Bibb turned us onto these lessons and once I saw what they created during the first one, I was so sad that we'd missed out on it all summer!  Rickie Higgins is a great teacher - so patient and easy going with the kids.  A room full of oil paint and young children would send me over the edge, but his feathers never seem ruffled.  He's excellent at what he does.  Towns has always been very much into painting and anything artsy, so I had a feeling she just might be into these lessons.
The first week she painted pairs, and this past week was a butterfly on a flower...
The blue in the pear painting was supposed to be covered up with paint.  They were the guidelines she'd painted.  But Miss Perfectionist wasn't even halfway done with the picture when I went to pick her up so the blue is still there and the shading on her pears didn't get finished.  She was quite upset about that, but I assured her they were the most beautiful pears I'd ever laid eyes on.  And my absolute favorite touch was the way she signed her name.  Mr. Higgins told her that should be her signature on all her art! :)

We took Madelyn with us Tuesday...
They painted hard for two hours and were all proud of their masterpieces...
You can look at the older kids' paintings and tell more about what it was supposed to look like, but I think this one is just perfect the way it is...

The younger ones are giving each other makeovers (with bright blue eye shadow from what I can tell...lovely!), Bethany is napping, J is riding his motorcycle, and yours truly is packing.  I'm not running away from home if that's what you're thinking.  Well, at least not by myself.  The five of us are heading to the beach for the week for a much needed family vacation. Hello perfection!  Now I just hope and pray my husband makes it home in one piece this afternoon.  I couldn't help but remind him that a wheelchair wouldn't get very far in the sand...

1 comment:

  1. I think this makes me want to move to D-town! that are class + mack would be a match made in heaven! I'm going to have to do my research and see if Auburn offers any such thing! love her artistic ability..wouldn't.change.a.thing! have fun at the beach, you can always pack me! ; )
