Monday, July 25, 2011

It's Almost Time!

Do you know what this is?
Looks like school supply shopping (hence the rows upon rows of Elmer's and Crayola in the background).  Sounds like school supply shopping ("I want this", "I want that", "I know I don't need this, but can we buy it anyway?").  That can only mean one thing: it's almost back to school time!
Glory, hallelujah!
We've had a great couple of months of free time, but by this point in the summer we're desperate for a routine.  We're creatures of habit.  We like to get in a groove and stay in it.  We crave it and thrive on it.  If you read between the lines here, you'll know that it also means that the girls are always one second away from tearing each other apart.  As long as I can keep them busy, entertained and productive they're wonderful.  The minute I have to work or do some things around the house, it all falls apart.  Bethany is my hero and has come to my rescue this summer more times than I can count.  She knows just when to step in and say, "who wants a makeover by Bebby?" or something of that nature. God love her!  But for all the moments when I think I could pull every last hair out of my head (and theirs too), there are twice as many where they make me smile, make me laugh, tell me they love me or throw their arms around my neck for no reason at all.  And that's what makes my world go 'round!

Back to the school supply's right up there with our all time most favorite things to do.  And since this is Towns' first year at "big" school (so to speak), it made it even better.  However, I must admit that I wasn't quite ready to ditch the cutesy flower and heart covered notebooks for ones that look more like 1st grade.  Hello, Justin Bieber.  Really?!  I didn't question Towns' choices.  She got to pick it all out herself.  And if that's what floats her boat, well, I can live with that.  Sadly, it ended all too soon (we like to drag it out, J does not).  But we couldn't stroll on out of Target without stopping for a brownie for the girls and Starbie's for the grown ups...
Now that's the face of a happy girl...

Who is well on her way to being a big, bad 1st grader!


  1. Ahh, I love it! I wish you'd come do mine for me. We are staying in Orange Beach which means this sad mommy will lose both of her baby girls to ALL DAY school. Heaven help me!! I know I'll survive, and probably enjoy the peace a little bit, but I'm by no means prepared for what's about to hit me!! The girls are precious... I know it was a blast for all of you!! xoxo

  2. We just did the school supply shopping trip this morning. So fun! Maybe they will be in the same class.

  3. We've done our back to school shopping, too! Check! Check! It's so nice to mark that off the list to do! :)

  4. We're ready for routine again too! We're having fun, but both girls are asking about friends, teachers and school. We bought half of our supplies, Gracie was kind enough to leave all the necessities like wipes and tissues for me on another day!
