Thursday, July 21, 2011

Mini Cheer Camp

The past two days have been cheer central around here.  Not too far from the ordinary, I suppose!
We were up and at em' early Wednesday morning and proudly sporting cheer gear...

There's only one thing that can get us going that early, and that's Decatur High's mini cheer camp.  Towns and Cate both got to attend...with much anticipation.  Give them a shot at anything that can get them a little closer to being just like Bethany and they're game!  After three hours of camp yesterday and three more today, they were ready for an audience.  And that's just what they had, but not before a group picture...
The three year old group performed first which was the sweetest thing ever.  To say they thought they were hot stuff would be an understatement...
Once they were in place and ready to rock and roll, they danced to a little Justin Bieber...
 And it wouldn't be completely without doing the ice cream and cake...
Towns had a big group of kindergartners and 1st graders who were so into it.  Too cute!  There was a varsity cheerleader standing right in front of me which prevented many good shots, but she was loving life and that's all that matters...

They know most of the girls already, so they were right at home...

Cate's been all about her Bebby lately.  B told me that Buggy faked having to go to the restroom just so she could hang with her sister in the hall.  Love them to pieces...

We didn't escape without Towns wanting everything the Varsity rep had to offer.  The promise of a family trip to Panera for lunch got us away without us breaking the bank.  I do believe I dodged a hundred dollar bullet!

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