Monday, July 18, 2011

Monday, Monday

What is it about summertime that makes me lose all good parental judgment?  This past weekend our girls ate ice cream at least six different times.  Not that bad, right?  Unless ice cream is their meal for breakfast, lunch and dinner.  And forget shoes.  They went everywhere like this...
Do you see how black those feet are?  It didn't bother me a bit.  Life has been so laid back and carefree lately, and it's been fabulous.  
Yesterday Bethany had Ice Water Teas for JUG rush.  Y'all know how I feel about that!  This was her first year on the "other side" which (in my opinion) is the best place to be.  She looked gorgeous, by the way!  While she was chatting it up with rushees, we killed some time with a bike ride around the neighborhood.  The only thing about that is that J doesn't have a bike (that's not motorized) so he has to ride Bethany's bike.  It's sort of small for him which obviously means he can manhandle it.  The other day he took the skin off of his forearm when he was riding it on only the back wheel down the road.  In all of his horseplay, he's managed to break the pedals completely off of the bike.  Twice.  He had to put a third one on, and I love how he acts like that's totally normal.  You know, like it happens to everyone all the time.  The girls and I gave him down the road about it, but he kindly told us he didn't need any comments from the peanut gallery...
 We not so patiently waited for him to fix his ride and off we went.  Two minutes into it Cate always tells us that her legs are tired and she needs to stop for a quick rest.  J and I remedied that by turning around and coming back home to put her in her Escalade instead.  That's the only way she can keep up with us!

Not to change the subject, but what's a Monday morning without a photo shoot? We stopped by to see Stephanie at Eloise & Henry Friday afternoon and came out with these adorable outfits...
Honestly, have you ever seen such cuteness?  She has a store full of fabulous clothes and goodies that you can't pass up.  And the beauty of it all is that you don't have to be on Bank Street in Decatur to snatch it up - you can see it all here!
The only down side of shopping online is that you miss actually seeing Steph and filling up on sweet treats.  My children don't go in her store without coming out on a sugar high!  And I don't come out without my side hurting from laughing so much.  She's hilarious and precious!

On another note, have you seen the new Smitten & Company Facebook page?  We've got big things in store and need lots of "likes" to get it all going!  Won't you join in?  Think sample sales, wall sales, and much more.  You won't want to miss it!

Meanwhile, I've got a date with these clowns for a picnic in the park...
 If I'm correct, this will be the 7th park trip in three days.  Ah, the joys of motherhood!
Happy Monday!


  1. Happy Monday!! Going to join S&C on FB right now! Oh by the way I have a gazillion shirts that I bought for Davis last fall that I never appliqued and I need to send a few to you to jazz up! ;)

  2. Just "liked" Smitten & Co. on FB!

    I LOVE the relaxed routine, if you can call it that, of summer! I am a teacher, so I REALLY enjoy summer! Love not having to get up early and love not thinking in 9 week chunks of time! Ha!
