Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Early Birthday Surprise

There's nothing like getting an early birthday surprise in the mail.  Wouldn't you agree?  Yesterday Cate got just that from her Grandmommy and Pop. I tried to get her to save it and open it on her birthday, but she didn't give that notion a second though.  She couldn't believe her eyes when she tore into her package and discovered what was inside...
A box full of preemie sized clothes for her baby dolls - a whole new winter wardrobe for them!
How fun is that?!
If she said, "Mommy, isn't this so amazing?" once, she asked me twenty times! 
For a girl who loves a baby doll as much as Buggy does, I can't think of a better gift...
Of course, we immediately had to pick the babies of choice who would get to wear such fine clothing.  Then she gathered them in her "house" which is a huge princess tent in her room filled with all of her baby stuff.  I told her I just had to get the camera so J's parents could see how much she loved their gift.  She was all about that idea...
I just noticed what a wild looking bunch of bambinos she has...
Now that's one happy (almost) birthday girl!
Thank you, thank you, thank you Grandmommy and Pop!

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