Friday, September 23, 2011

Pool Party

We went out on a limb this year with Cate's birthday party and kept it sweet and simple.  I didn't think it was in my genetic make up to do such a thing (ha!), but I do believe it was one of the most relaxing, laid back party days we've ever had.  I'm pretty sure that's because the whole party wasn't on my shoulders.  My friend Amanda asked if Cate wanted to join in on Brock's birthday party (they're only a week apart) at the clubhouse pool in their neighborhood.  It didn't take long for me to answer that!  We'd contemplated having another gymnastics party which is what Cate really wanted, but once I mentioned having a pool party with Brock she was game.  It was a bit of a last minute thing, so we let our families off the hook.  Other than missing them being there, it was perfect.

This is one of the only pictures I took of the birthday girl and boy...
They don't look like they're 7 days apart, do they?  Brock's so tall for his age and Cate's vertically challenged!  Regardless, she still makes him pretend he's her baby and he'll sit in her lap and play along.  He's the sweetest, funniest thing!  Cate loves him dearly.

We had a cold snap last week which had us worried that it would be entirely too cold to swim.  The children were good sports and didn't let the cold water bother them, though.  J got it kicked off by throwing everyone in...
That didn't so much help the shoulder injury from his motorcycle accident, but he's the biggest kid of 'em all and wasn't letting that stop him!
You can tell by Buggy's face that the chilly water took her breath away...
By the end of the party they were all shaking and had blue lips.  All in the name of fun, of course!

Bethany brought her friend Ellie to the party.  Cate thinks they are total rock stars which in turn makes her think she's one as well for having them at her party...
These two girls really make me laugh...
And these three, well they're just plain sweet...
Those who stopped long enough to eat wouldn't dine anywhere else other than by the pool, naturally...
And then Amanda brought out the very impressive cakes she made.  Monster trucks for Brock and princess for Cate.  I told her she might just need to go into business for herself!
Cate got so shy when it was time to sing Happy Birthday...

The kids all thoroughly enjoyed their cake and cupcakes.  I know this because they were covered in icing from head to toe.  That's the beauty of a pool party...make 'em all jump in and they come out as clean as a whistle!  The only thing that could get them out of the freezing cold water was talk of opening presents.  Buggy got in my lap and wanted to snuggle so I could keep her warm.
How could I say no to that?

Someone gave Brock a music set that included drums, spoons, a harmonica, and all kinds of fun things that kept everyone making music for a while.  Quite entertaining to watch, no less.  But Cate busied herself with her new friend Ashley...

Ashley is a very bright-eyed little girl, wouldn't you say?!
Cate is completely smitten with her and this has been the scene since last Saturday... 
We take her everywhere and don't let her out of our sight!

I'll leave you with this one just because I like it...
It's hard to believe that as of tomorrow, September 24th, my baby of all babies will be four years old.  One thing's for sure...we do love a birthday around here!  Let the festivities begin...


  1. Wow! That’s a fun party. Look at these cuties! They remind me of my niece and nephew and their birthday (pool) party which was in one of the venues in NYC last year. Pool party is always fun, be it for kids or for adults. I am also planning to throw a pool party this weekend!
